[THE LATEST] Google Introduces Offers, Pinterest Gets More Shopping-Friendly, & Where Marketers Should Be Hanging Out On Facebook - EMEL


Saturday, March 9, 2019

[THE LATEST] Google Introduces Offers, Pinterest Gets More Shopping-Friendly, & Where Marketers Should Be Hanging Out On Facebook

Google Introduces Offers, Pinterest Gets More Shopping-Friendly, & Where Marketers Should Be Hanging Out On Facebook...This Is THE LATEST!

I recently realized that my life has been full of marketing lessons. One in particular that keeps proving true is that people love a free t-shirt.


From my college days to NBA games to walking a marketing exhibit hall floor, people will do almost anything to get their hands on those beautiful oversized cotton trophies.

And who can blame them?  Freebies and promotions are a win-win for everyone.

🤑  Google Will Now Show Promotions From Google My Business Directly in Search Results

I don't know about you, but I'm a sucker for a deal. In fact, oftentimes, the difference between a good shopping experience and a great one for me is a deal. Apparently Google agrees with me because this week they announced that they'll be adding Offers directly in search results. Let's take a peek at what Google Offers will look like in SERP and how you can set up yours through Google My Business. 

🛍️  5 New Features Are Going to Make Buying and Selling on Pinterest A Whole Lot Easier

Pinterest is a goldmine for finding new products, but actually buying those products isn't always easy. With this in mind, the virtual pin board platform is adding 5 exciting new features that will make it easier for users to buy things they like and for brands to find users who are ready to buy. We dive into Pinterest's new shopping features and why they're a win-win for brands and consumers.

And now a brief message from...  Film-School-for-Marketers-Logo


👫  Inbound Marketers Are Flocking To These Seven Facebook Groups

It's no secret; Facebook Groups are back and more popular than ever. In our digital world, people are craving connection and both professionally and personally, Groups are emerging as a great medium for filling this gap. In this article, IMPACT's Director of Community & Audience Engagement, Stephanie Baiocchi, shares seven Facebook groups inbound marketers should check out. 

🚨 Save Your Seat!

  • In this month's Website Throwdown, we have speaker, bestselling author, and marketing strategist David Meerman Scott joining the ring to critique a few hand-picked sites with our panel of experts. They'll be reviewing everything from content and design to SEO and conversion paths. Test your luck and submit your site for the chance to be critiqued by THIS Monday, March 11! Or if you'd rather be a spectator, you can save your seat.

🎉  Weekend Nonsense

This week, Queen Elizabeth II of England posted her first ever photo to Instagram after learning about children's coding classes at the nation's science museum. The 92-year old monarch shared a letter written to her great-great grandfather, Prince Albert, by Charles Babbage who is often-credited as "the world's first computer pioneer." 

Why am I sharing this? Well, one; I love that even the Queen of England, in her 90s, is preaching the importance of learning to code and two; if this isn't proof that everyone should be on Instagram, I don't know what is.




See you next week!

Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


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