[THE LATEST] Brian Halligan & Dharmesh Shah's Keynotes at INBOUND, $600,000+ in Revenue from Pillar Content, & How to Use the 'Color' White in Design - EMEL


Saturday, September 7, 2019

[THE LATEST] Brian Halligan & Dharmesh Shah's Keynotes at INBOUND, $600,000+ in Revenue from Pillar Content, & How to Use the 'Color' White in Design

Brian Halligan & Dharmesh Shah's Keynotes at INBOUND, $600,000+ in Revenue from Pillar Content, & How to Use the 'Color' White in Design ...This Is THE LATEST! 

💯 Jump Right into the Good Stuff!

Happy Saturday, everyone!

Instead of some random couch, nook, or cranny at INBOUND at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, I'm coming to you live this morning from my cool, breezy, puppy-infested backyard in Maryland:


It's kind of funny, however. After a full week of exclusively sporting IMPACT-branded shirts, I was so excited this morning to wear whatever I wanted... but I just looked down and realized that I had unknowingly put on one of our IMPACT baseball tees anyway. (Oh, IMPACT swag. I just can't quit you.)

I always find the first day home after a work or conference trip a bit strange.

On the one hand, after multiple days in a row of waking up early, sticking to a strict schedule, and always being "on" while meeting folks, I feel as if my whole body is breathing a sigh of relief, as the ability to completely relax washes over me.

On the other hand, after multiple days in a row of waking up early, sticking to a strict schedule, and always being "on" while meeting folks... I don't know what to do with myself.

In a way, I almost miss the structure of always having something to do. And while living out of a suitcase isn't ideal, it's exciting to be in an environment where you're constantly learning new things and meeting inspiring new people. 

Of course, if I'm being completely honest, there's a good chance I'm just in denial.

Yes, INBOUND week was galvanizing and electric and blah, blah, blah. But I'm probably feeling extra nostalgic for the busy-ness of it all as a coping mechanism to avoid acknowledging the suitcase full of dirty laundry next to the front door and the long list of housework calling my name. 

I love that I can eat ice cream for dinner as an adult, but I could do without the never-ending parade of responsibilities and bills. You'd think with the constant, rapid-paced advancements in automation and artificial intelligence, I'd have my own Rosie to take care of all that stuff by now. 😒

💥 Here's What You Missed from Brian Halligan's & Dharmesh Shah's #INBOUND19 Keynotes

As business leaders, digital marketers, and sales teams, we're often laser-focused on growing our organizations. Sometimes at any cost. In reaction to that, the team at HubSpot has challenged us all over the past couple of years not just to grow, but to grow better. At this year's INBOUND event, HubSpot cofounders Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah continued to challenge the way businesses seek "grow" and "disrupt" and achieve success. If you weren't there, IMPACT HubSpot Specialist Carina Duffy has the full scoop on Brian and Dharmesh's inspiring keynotes, including critical takeaways, videos, and more.


😮 Learn How We Generated More Than $600,000 from Our Pillar Content in Less Than a Year

We've invested a lot of time and energy into our pillar content and topic cluster strategy over the past year. In fact, it's become an obsession of mine. But I made a decision early on that ended up being critical to our success with content pillars. Instead of thinking of our new approach to content exclusively as a search-focused strategy, I decided each individual pillar should be conceived as individual profit centers — and that mindset has paid off big time. In this article, I share exactly what we did to generate more than half a million dollars in revenue from content pillars alone in under 10 months.


⚪ The Psychology of Design: Learn the Powerful Uses of the "Color" White in Branding & Marketing

In the world of design, white does not get the fanfare that the blues, reds, and greens get. However, our designers would argue that white is just as important — if not more important — than any other color of the rainbow. White establishes contrast, helps other colors (and information) stand out, and so much more. In this deep dive, IMPACT UX Designer Joel Waggener explains everything you need to know about the seemingly innocuous presence of "white" in design and marketing, and how make better color choices for your own brand


🎧  Our Latest Shows & Podcasts 

📆  Upcoming Digital Sales & Marketing Events

The Annapolis HubSpot User Group (HUG) that was originally scheduled for earlier this month has been rescheduled to September 19! Learn how to create scalable growth with actionable case studies and powerful examples of what it means to evolve into an authentically customer-centric organization at the next Annapolis HubSpot User Group event. Save your seat for September 19 at 6:30 p.m.

☝️Remember, HUG events are always free to attend, and you don't need to be a HubSpot user to do so!

😂 Weekend Nonsense

There's a reason why HubSpot was selling swag at INBOUND that said: "This meeting could have been an email..."


(If you're not following The New Yorker on LinkedIn — of all places, I know! — you're missing out.)

OK, time to conquer laundry mountain. Sob. 🏔️

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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