Google B-day Gifts & Why Robots Won't Take Your Job 🤖 - EMEL


Saturday, September 29, 2018

Google B-day Gifts & Why Robots Won't Take Your Job 🤖

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Google's Big Birthday, Vidyard's New App, and Why Robots Won't Take Your Job...This Is the Latest!

Ah Saturday...

It's been a crazy week and you deserve to treat yourself! Here's a piping hot, fun-filled issue of The Latest to get you started... 😉


Google Turns 20, But We're Getting All the Gifts

It's hard to remember a time before Google, but everyone's favorite search engine turned 20 this week and in celebration, they released a flood of updates across their many platforms, including these 8 that marketers can't ignore. Tell Me More.


Vidyard's On the Move With Its New iPhone App

Get your applications in! Vidyard is pre-releasing its iPhone app that allows users to create & send videos on the go, but you've got to apply to be one of the first to try it. IMPACT Client Success Specialist, Myriah, shares all the benefits and need-to-knows in this article. Get the Scoop.


Telecommuting is All the Rage [INFOGRAPHIC]

If you're like me, your drive to work is great me-time to belt out a song or catch up on an audiobook, but in the modern workplace, more and more people are opting to telecommute or work remote. This infographic dives into the trend and why businesses can't ignore it. Here Are the Deets. 

... More Music to Your Ears:

Weekend Nonsense: Have it Uruguay

If you've ever worried about robots taking your job, you won't after seeing this.

This week, Burger King released four 15-second commercials that were written by a deep-learning algorithm and the results are hilariously terrible.

Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at 3.28.31 PM

The one above is my favorite (because potatoes had it coming), but you've got to check out the rest on Mashable here

And that's all folks!

Like our friends at BK, we want you to have it Uruguay --erm, your way.

So, don't hold back. Tell me what you love, hate, or want to see change with The Latest by hitting reply. Or if you got this from a friend and haven't subscribed yet -- we don't care. Just kidding. Join the fun here; We'd love to have you. 😀 

Until next time, 

Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


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