[THE LATEST] Inside hell's kitchen 👩🏽‍🍳 - EMEL


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

[THE LATEST] Inside hell's kitchen 👩🏽‍🍳

Instagram Stories for B2B, Ads in Google Voice Assistant, & A "Very" Impressive Keyword Strategy...This Is THE LATEST!

I had a horrible restaurant experience this weekend -- so bad so, my meal was comp'ed. 

I didn't throw a hissy fit, for the record (though I love Gordon Ramsay and have been known to do that). Rather, the waitress heard my hesitance in saying "everything's...good" and asked my friend and I for honest feedback. 

The dish was prepared incorrectly, parts were cold, the plating was nonexistent, and frankly, the food just wasn't good. 


I appreciated the staff and how they asked for feedback, but considering this was my first time there, the experience certainly didn't leave the best impression on me.

Think about how your brand is meeting prospective customers for the first time... Is it the piping hot dish they just have to taste or the sad, cold sandwich missing cheese? 

Here are a few insights to help make sure you're always the former whether it be in search engines, social media, or voice. 

🚦 This New Keyword Strategy Brought Very an 88% Increase in Traffic [VIDEO]

Keyword strategy in 2019 is a very different beast from what it was even just last year. Marketers need to be keen about monitoring their search ranks as well as algorithm changes to keep their strategy fresh and effective. In this week's episode of The Inbound Success Podcast, IMPACT's Kathleen Booth sits down with software development company (and IMPACT client) Very's VP of Marketing, Emily Maxie, as well as our own Stacy Willis to discuss the new keyword strategy that helped catapult their website traffic up and to the right. 

🤳  To 'Gram or Not to 'Gram? Here's How to Determine If Your B2B Brand Should Be Using Instagram Stories

I love me an Instagram story. As a consumer and tech-savvy millennial, they are one of my favorite communication channels with my loved ones -- but can the same be said for professional, B2B interactions? In this article, IMPACT Account Supervisor Kate Fodera addresses the question of whether or not B2B brands should be investing in Instagram Stories and how to do it right. 

🗣️  Ads Could Be On Their Way to Google Voice Assistants Next

Between podcasts, ASMR marketing, and sonic branding, it's clear that auditory marketing isn't going anywhere any time soon. That just may be part of the reason, Google is currently testing Ads on search results delivered by its Android Google Voice Assistant. We unveil what the ads look like and what they could mean for your PPC strategy in this new piece.

📅  Save The Date!

  • Come See Liz in Chicago on Wednesday! You read that correctly! This Wednesday, February 20, my partner in content crime, Liz Murphy, will be joining the folks at the Chicago HUG for a hands-on, intensive, super-fun content strategy workshop all about pillar content and topic clusters. Space is very limited for this event, and preference will be given to those who have an inbound certification. So, register for this meet-up now.

Talk soon!

Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


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