The End of Buzzfeed Podcasts 😲 and so much more.. - EMEL


Saturday, September 22, 2018

The End of Buzzfeed Podcasts 😲 and so much more..

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The End of BuzzFeed Podcasts, Getting More Clicks on Your Facebook Videos, and the Power of Negative Feedback..this is The Latest!

Look at you, up so early on Saturday!

Unless you're opening this as you roll out of bed at noon, as I would. In that case, hello, my fellow sleep enthusiast. 😴

Here's The Latest (and a little fun) to kick off your weekend:


Bye Bye, BuzzFeed Podcasts, Hello, More Video!

On Thursday, BuzzFeed announced they're putting a pause on their podcasts to focus more on original videos. For many, this comes as no surprise, but the move teaches marketers an extremely valuable lesson about listening to your audience and data. Here's the dish.

Speaking of original video...


Facebook's Prioritizing Video Views -- and So Should You 

Want more eyes on your brand on Facebook? Video just might be the key! Facebook's been vocal about favoring video in its algorithm and we're sharing tips on how make sure you get the most views possible. Tell me more.


Negative Feedback Might Be Your Most Valuable [INFOGRAPHIC]

A great man once said we can't handle the truth, but heck, we need it! Negative feedback may be the hardest to deliver and receive, but studies show when done right, it can be the most motivational for employees. Here's what you need to know. 

... More Music to Your Ears:

Weekend Nonsense:

So, since it's the weekend, I thought I'd leave you with a little bit of extra fun!

Today's the first day of Autumn in the US and in New England (where IMPACT is based), that means it's our time to shine. Along with our iconic foliage comes fall flavors, and one brand that always capitalizes on this is Dunkin' Donuts.

In today's Weekend Nonsense, check out this quirk 1984 ad from the brand, featuring their popular character, Fred the Baker. 

Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at 4.06.35 PM

If you haven't already, make sure to hit reply and let me know what you think of The Latest so far and how we can make it the most valuable email you get!

And as always, you can also join the convo in IMPACT Elite

Have a great weekend! 😀 

Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


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