Tuesday News Day! 💰 - EMEL


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tuesday News Day! 💰

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SEO Secrets, the Low-Down on Sponsorship ROI, HubSpot Sales Enterprise, and More...This Is the Latest!

What's cooking, good looking?

Good news! Yesterday's Case-of-the-Mondays is in the rear-view mirror and it's going to be an awesome week. 👍

Now that we're together again, here's The Latest to help you kick your spirit and strategy into high gear...


This is What Is and Isn't Working for SEO in 2018 [Interview]

SEO best practices change faster than Apple changes iPhones. Instead of trying to keep up and strategize all on your own, we chatted with Jeremiah Smith, the CEO of SEO agency, SimpleTiger to learn what is and isn't working right now. Tell me more.


Sponsorships Are Worth The $$$ -- But That's Not All You Make. 

Money, money, money, money, Money, Mon-eyyy! That's what people want ND expect when they invest in sponsorships for an event, content, or other type of media, but the ROI of sponsorships stretches far beyond just dollar signs. Here's the scoop.


Got Sales Metrics? You Better Have These 6.

If you're not measuring something, can you really manage it? Loaded question, I know, but it's one every marketing/sales professional must ask at some point. In this article, we dive into the top 6 sales metrics you should be tracking and why. Here's what you need to know. 

... More Music to Your Ears:

Save The Date:

If you haven't already, make sure to hit reply and let me know what you think of The Latest so far and how we can make it the most valuable email you get!

And as always, you can also join the convo in IMPACT Elite

Talk soon, 😀 

Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


Share the Awesomeness.


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