Are you asking the right questions? 🤔 - EMEL


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Are you asking the right questions? 🤔

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The FBI Probes Ad Spend, Marcus Sheridan Gets Real, & Website Accessibility Is Tested ...This Is The Latest!

Even though I'm in my mid-30s, I sometimes operate as if I have the attention span of a sugar-high toddler who really wants you to know how much she loves colors. I want split-second answers to my questions -- no matter how complex -- because I'm simply "too busy" to wait or dig deeper.

But often, to get to the really good stuff -- the stuff that sparks true innovation and sustainable growth -- you have to go beyond the flashy headlines and ask the right questions.💡

Here's The Latest ...

FBI intervention media buying

How Is Your Agency Managing Your Ad Spend? The FBI Wants to Know... 

"Hey, you should, you know, be ethical in the way you handle my ad spend," is probably not a reminder you want to feel like you have to give your agency. Unfortunately, some businesses and advertisers have been defrauded by their agencies as a result of not-so-above-board ad spending and reporting practices -- which is why the FBI is now officially on the case. What do you need to know about this probe? And what can you do right now to build an agency relationship based on trust and transparency? Nick gives you the scoop.

Marcus Sheridan

Marcus Sheridan Used to Be Terrified of Public Speaking ...

... and when he left for his two-year mission trip to Chile, he had never spoken a word of Spanish. Yet, it was during his time in Chile when he had a profound experience that broke down communication and cultural barriers, and made him realize a simple truth: "The greatest way to teach is to ask the right questions because I can't get people to own anything unless they own it for themselves." Go behind the scenes with Marcus in this candid interview with Rob Dube.web-accessibility-hero

70% of Sites Reviewed for Accessibility Were Given a Failing Grade

More than 8 million people in the United States have a vision impairment and rely on screen readers and magnifiers to navigate a website -- and yet the vast majority of businesses don't take accessibility for the vision or hearing impaired into account when designing their websites. Don't panic. If you're just now realizing you're one of those businesses, Ashleigh breaks down simple ways you can make your website more accessible right now.

Save the Date

  • Step Into the Ring of IMPACT's Website Throwdown TOMORROW: In 15 minutes or less, our experts, along with special guest star Jay Acunzo, will tell you how to transform your website from good to great, live on-air! All the action takes place on October 25 at 2 p.m., Eastern, but you need to submit your site to us by the end of today.

Pop Quiz: Who has two thumbs, speaks limited French, and wants to hear from you about how you're digging The Latest? 


If you have feedback or ideas on how we can make The Latest as helpful as we possibly can, reply to directly to this email.

"Our operators are standing by!" And by that, I mean I'm sitting here, staring at my inbox, waiting to hear from you. 

Oh, and if you got this from a friend and haven't subscribed yet, join the fun here. 

Until next time! 

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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