Don't you forget about me (unless you're Facebook)...🙄 - EMEL


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Don't you forget about me (unless you're Facebook)...🙄

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Facebook Is Following You, Brands Get Political, and Ugly Fonts You Just Can't Forget ...This Is the Latest!

Some days, skimming the latest marketing headlines can feel a bit like a throwback episode of the Real World, when people stop being polite and start getting real. And today is one of those days, ladies and gents. 😐

Only without the flannel and Pearl Jam-heavy soundtrack -- and Facebook is the shady dude who seems nice at first, but is definitely stealing his roommates' groceries.

Here's The Latest...

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Facebook May Start Keeping Tabs on You via Instagram!

I know what you did last summer. Well, actually, Facebook may know now that it has begun testing a new feature that allows Instagram to collect your GPS location even when you're not using the app -- and share it with Facebook for ad targeting and other purposes. There's good news, though. You can take steps to prevent your location history from being tracked and shared. Get the deets. 

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Brands Are Getting Political. But Should They?

My mama always said there are three things you don't talk about at work -- religion, politics, and ... well, you know. But the times they are a-changin' and new research from Edelman found that 64% of consumers worldwide will make a purchasing decision based on a brand's social or political position. Is appealing to "belief-driven buyers" right for your brand? Let's dig into brand activism.

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This New Font Makes It Easier for You to Remember Things... by Making It Harder for You to Read?

Yeah, you read that right. And don't you forget it! Turns out, a team of designers and scientists out of RMIT University in Australia have made the very counter-intuitive discovery that if you make words harder to read, people actually remember them more easily. (We'll pause while students everywhere let out a collective groan). Is this a joke? When would you use such a strange looking font? Here's the straight scoop.

We're now a few weeks in to publishing The Latest, and I'm genuinely curious to know what you think.

Our goal is and always has been to reduce the clutter in your inbox and save you time by condensing our best content into this thrice weekly newsletter. 

Will you take a minute and share your feedback? I would really appreciate it! 🙏

Hit reply and let me know your thoughts. Tell me what you like, dislike, or would love to see more or less of. (I read every piece of subscriber feedback I receive.)

And if you got this from a friend and haven't subscribed yet, join the fun here. 

See you next week, 

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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