Google broke our heart, but Spotify put it back together 😍 - EMEL


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Google broke our heart, but Spotify put it back together 😍

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Google+ Is a Cautionary Tale, Spotify Makes Our Podcasting Day, & Vidyard v. Wistia ...This Is The Latest!

"There's no such thing as bad publicity."

That might have been true back in the 19th century for PT Barnum -- and probably Kim Kardashian today -- but I am willing to bet the folks at Google this week would disagree. 🤐

Here's The Latest ...

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Google+ Is Finally Relevant Again ... for the Wrong Reasons

Apparently, the team at Google missed Dharmesh's #INBOUND18 memo about the importance of owning your mistakes as a brand -- they thought it would be a good idea to keep a security bug that compromised the personal data of more than 500,000 Google+ accounts on the down-low. Now, even though you probably can't remember the last time you used Google+, you need to understand the implications of what happened. Here's why.


Spotify for Podcasters Beta Is Now Live (Finally!)

For three years, only those considered to be "top-tier" publishing partners were allowed to share their podcasts on Spotify. Thankfully, the powers that be have changed their minds, and now us lessers can get in on the fun. Spotify for Podcasters is officially in beta and super easy to use. Learn how to get your podcast on Spotify in under 5 minutes.


Vidyard & Wistia Are Big Players in Video, But Who's Top Dog?

Video isn't the "next big thing." It's already here. So, if you're a business that's already leveraging video -- or looking to dive-in headfirst -- there's a good chance you've heard of Wistia and Vidyard. While Vidyard did recently partner with HubSpot to power HubSpot Video, they're still a relatively new player on the scene; whereas Wistia has the brand recognition, since they've been around for a while. Which one is right for you? Well, we can't tell you that. But here's what makes them different.

... More Music to Your Ears:

Save The Date:

  • Better Your Connecticut Business! One week from today -- Wednesday, October 17 -- join the Connecticut Better Business Bureau and five speakers from IMPACT for the Better Business Summit! Get your tickets before they're gone.

OK, so, you've made it to the end (high five!), and you might be thinking to yourself, "Man, I have a lot of opinions about this email."

If that sounds like you, we want to hear from you.

Our goal is to make The Latest obscenely useful and valuable for you -- so let us know if we're meeting our goal, or if there is something we could be doing differently or better, by replying directly to this email. 

(I love attention more than I love breathing, so trust me. I'm reading everything you send our way.)

Oh, and if you got this from a friend and haven't subscribed yet, join the fun here. 

Talk to you soon!

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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