Toys and Phony Followers. 😲 - EMEL


Saturday, October 6, 2018

Toys and Phony Followers. 😲

Toys"R"Us Resurrects, The Secret to Awesome Social Video Ads, and Fishing Out Fake Followers...This Is the Latest!

Hey, it's Saturday and you did great this week! 🤗

Here's The Latest to help you do even better next week... 

Toys R Us Article

We Don't Have to Grow Up! Toys"R"Us May Make a Comeback

Despite closing all of its store doors earlier this year, the Toys"R"Us auction has been called off as investors feel the brand is strong enough to be resurrected in a new format. Is brand > big bucks? Here's the scoop.


Are Your Followers Phonies? SparkToro Knows!

Rand Fishkin is at it again! With SparkToro's New Fake Follower Audit, you can learn what percentage of your followers on Twitter are bots, inactive, or just boring. Ok, not the last one, but wouldn't that be great? Tell Me More. 


This New Data Can Help You Make Better Video Ads On Social

Paid social is the way to go these days, but you already knew that. These 7 tips from Wave.Video's all-new research will show you how to use video to make those ads go from basic to brawny. Get the deets.

... More Music to Your Ears:

Weekend Nonsense:

Humor can be a powerful force in marketing and advertising. We think Kmart nailed it with this ad from 2013:




So, what's your fake follower percentage? How are you going to change the way you do video ads? Better yet, are you going to ship your pants? Just kidding.

Hit reply and let me know your thoughts! (Or if you have any on The Latest overall, send those over too.😀

Remember, if you got this from a friend and haven't subscribed yet, join the fun here. 

See you next week, 

Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


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