An illustration of a site loading quickly with Jetpack

Regardless of the type of site you're running, making sure that it loads quickly and feels fast should be among of your primary goals.

A fast site means a better visitor experience. Shorter load times can lead to lower bounce rates, happier readers, more page views, a healthier Time on Page, and — if you're running a store — improved sales.

Because Google uses site speed in its ranking algorithm, it also has a direct influence on your SEO. Fast load times can result in higher rankings and ultimately lead to increased organic traffic.

Jetpack's new site accelerator can improve your site speed and help you take control of your SEO. This new feature, similar to our Image CDN, allows you to host static site assets — such as JavaScript files and CSS stylesheets — on Jetpack's servers and serve them from our own Content Delivery Network (CDN). This means less stress on your servers and an improved browsing experience for your visitors.

Currently, only files included in WordPress core and the Jetpack plugin can be served by our CDN.

Ready to take your new site accelerator for a spin?

Go to Jetpack Settings Writing in the dashboard of your WordPress site and toggle the Enable site accelerator option found in the Performance & speed section. No additional configuration or set up is necessary.

We'd love to hear from you

Enable the new site accelerator for your sites and let us know if you have any feedback — we'd love to hear it! Please leave a comment below or open an issue in our GitHub repository.