[THE LATEST] When Facebook goes bust. 👎 - EMEL


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

[THE LATEST] When Facebook goes bust. 👎

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The Facebook Blackout, Separate but Equal Websites, and Bots in 2019... This is THE LATEST!

Ok, I have a confession, friend.

When I was 5 or 6 years old and watched Short Circuit 2 for the first time, I nearly cried watching Johnny 5 bleed battery fluid. (Sorry for the spoiler, but hey, it's been out for 30 years; That's on you.) The lovable robot was just that real to me.

Today, bots are common in many marketing strategies and judging by some of the statistics shared in one of today's articles, it's clear many consumers may feel a kinship as real with them as I did with Mr. Johnny 5.

Find that and more in THE LATEST below...


How to Survive a Facebook Blackout

You may not have noticed it, but yesterday afternoon, Facebook went down across parts of the East Coast, Midwest, and even Mexico, Brazil, and Europe. With so many pages, groups, and campaigns hosted on Facebook these days, how can your brand survive if it happens again? IMPACT Director of Audience Engagement & Community Stephanie Baiocchi has three tips for you!


Sometimes It's OK to Be Separate but Equal -- with Your Brands

Did you know Ben & Jerry's ice cream and Axe body spray are owned by the company? I know I was shook when I learned that. Sometimes companies own brands that are so unrelated, they demand their own website. Not sure if your secondary brand needs a space of its own? IMPACT Project Manager Melanie Moore ends the debate once & for all in this article.   


Let's Talk About Bots, Baby. [INFOGRAPHIC]

With their effects on efficiency, user experience, and business bottom lines, it's no wonder chatbots are such a hot topic in the marketing world right now. In this handy infographic shared by IMPACT Account Supervisor Kaitlyn Petro, you'll learn some impressive statistics on where chatbots are today and where they're going in 2019. Here's where bots are going in 2019.

Save the Date 📅

  • Join Our Elite Conversation TODAY! At 2 p.m. ET, we're chatting with Campaign Creators Marketing Strategist, Tammy Duggan-Herd, Ph.D. about inclusivity in marketing, leveraging your network, and community building for your brand! You won't want to miss it: Get reminded right on Facebook here.

So, what did do you during Facebook's unexpected outage yesterday? (I mean, besides freak out like I did.) Hit reply and let me know! 😎

And as always, if you got this from a friend and haven't subscribed yet, join the fun here. 

Catch ya later, 

Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


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