Transformation Thursday? 💪 - EMEL


Thursday, November 1, 2018

Transformation Thursday? 💪

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Google Lens, Sexy Product Marketing, and A Possible New Face for Twitter...This Is The Latest!

Ok, ok, I know the trends are "Transformation Tuesday" and "Throwback Thursday," but who cares!

Like the seasons this time of year, the past few days brought news that some of our favorite tools are changing, and why shouldn't they? Transformation, as Ryan Deiss explains in one of our recent articles, is what consumers crave. 

Here's The Latest... 


Google Lens Makes Visual Search Mainstream!

A few weeks ago, Snapchat's collaboration with Amazon had us talking, but as Google rolls Lens out across the search engine, visual search is being made more mainstream than ever before. IMPACT Account Executive, Kristin Linde explains in this article. Take a Close-up Look at Google Lens. 


Sex Sells -- But So Does Transformation

No matter how sexy the product -- a car, electronic -- that's not what your consumer is really buying. I'm serious! At the end of the day, consumers are paying for the transformation your product or service claims to bring about in their life or business. Don't believe me? Here's How Digital Marketer's Ryan Deiss Uses Transformation to Make Boring Products Sexy.


Big Changes Coming to Twitter Convos?

Twitter has made a lot of changes this year, and more could be on the way! In this piece, IMPACT Account Supervisor, Kate Fodera details how Twitter Product Manager, Sara Haider took to the platform to share and get feedback on some possible UI changes that could make having conversations a whole lot easier. See What Could Be On Its Way.

Save the Date 📅

  • Don't Miss This Free 3-Day Online Video Summit! Join 2,000+ sales leaders & sellers to discover how to stay ahead of the pack using video at Fast Forward on Nov. 6-8th, 2018. Even our very own Director of Video Training & Strategy, Zach Basner, and Client Success Specialist, Myriah Anderson, will be presenting on the 7th at 3pm ET on why video is the next big thing in generating sales! Register for FREE here!

But enough from me!

Tell me what's going on with you? What are you working on? Better yet, what were you for Halloween? Hit reply and send me your best pics.😊 📸 Here; I'll even share IMPACT's to get you started: 


Oh, and if you got this from a friend and haven't subscribed yet, join the fun here. 

Talk soon, 

Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


Share the Awesomeness.


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