[THE LATEST] All hail the Trivia Queen. 👑 - EMEL


Saturday, December 8, 2018

[THE LATEST] All hail the Trivia Queen. 👑

Jaw-Dropping Content Marketing Stats for 2019, How Facebook Search Really Works, and Google's Love of Original Images...This is THE LATEST!

Here's a fun fact about me: I love random trivia.

For example, did you know when actors do an "American" accent in other countries, they're usually doing a Connecticut accent because the first American English dictionary was written and published right here in IMPACT's home state? (#humblebrag.)

Impress your friends with that little fact nugget at dinner this weekend! 

Content Marketing Trivia Time! 🤓


Stumped? In this article, I've shared the answer to this question and 32 other new (and surprising) content marketing statistics to help you plan your strategy for 2019. Show Me The Numbers!

Facebook Finally Revealed How Graph Search Works (And No It Has Nothing to Do With Outside Behavior) 🔍

I don't know about you, but sometimes search algorithms keep me up at night. Luckily, this week, Facebook finally revealed how its Graph Search works and while many users are happy to hear their search/browsing behavior doesn't impact the results, the news left marketers realizing they had their work cut out for them. IMPACT's Director of Client Service, Katie Pritchard, shares the goods on Graph Search in this article. 

Get Ready for Your Kodak Moment Because Google Finally Took A Stance on Original Photography. 📸

We've always known the design and branding benefits of original photography, but this week, comments from Google's John Mueller suggest there may be big SEO value to be reaped as well. Get all the details from IMPACT Design Supervisor Jessie-Lee Nichols here.

Save the Date 📅

  • [WEBINAR] Did You Know Your Brand Can Highjack The News to Drive Tons of Attention? It's called Newsjacking, and the founder of the movement, David Meerman Scott, is sharing his secrets on how to react fast and stay on brand in a webinar next Monday, December 10. Sign up here to join us!
  • HUGs in New Haven, Next Week! The New Haven (CT) HUG is back this coming Tuesday, December 11! If you're in the area, join us as our very own HubSpot Specialist, Carina Duffy, walks us through "choose your own adventure" lead nurturing and how you can do it in HubSpot. This event is FREE to attend for all (even non-HubSpot users); you just need to register!
  • There's a place where 1,000 marketers come together for the most immersive, high-energy learning experience of the year. It's called IMPACT Live and Super Early Bird tickets (at half the price) won't be around forever. Save on tickets now.

Weekend Nonsense: Hamburger Helper 🎉

In digital marketing, we're all pretty familiar with the term "hamburger menu," but to the general public, that's something you find on a screen at a fast food joint, not on a website. That's why, earlier this week, McDonald's partnered with Reddit to celebrate the birthday of the feature's inventor, Norm Cox, with an AMA and quirky campaign. Check it out:


Think you can top my random trivia knowledge? Hit reply and send me your favorite fun fact. :) 

And as always, if you got this from a friend and haven't subscribed yet, join the fun here. 

See you next week!

Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


Share the Awesomeness.


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