[THE LATEST] Harder, better, faster, stronger. (Cue Kanye) - EMEL


Saturday, December 15, 2018

[THE LATEST] Harder, better, faster, stronger. (Cue Kanye)

HubSpot Investing $30 Million in SMBs, Beefing Up Your Facebook Page, & Instagram Embracing Influencers...This is THE LATEST!

One thing you have to admire about the digital marketing industry (I know I do) is that almost no issue goes unsolved for long.

If a challenge arises, you can rest assured that someone, somewhere is working on something to help you overcome and work harder, better, faster, and stronger. And I don't just say that because I'm a fan of old school Kanye West. 

🌱  HubSpot Announces HubSpot Ventures to Help Businesses "Grow Better" 

HubSpot has been helping small and medium-sized businesses grow with its tools for over 10 years, but this week, the company announced it will also dedicate $30 million to help fund new companies. This isn't just about getting a business off the ground, though. In-line with its greater vision, HubSpot wants to help businesses "grow better" through HubSpot Ventures. Account Executive Karisa Egan shares all of the details here. 

💡  Get More Out of Your Facebook Page in 2019 with These 6 Beyond-Best Practice Tips

Some things in life are timeless, but your social media strategy certainly isn't one of them. Facebook has changed dramatically in the past 12 months and your strategy needs to change with it. In this article by one of our newest Customer Success Managers, Dia Vavruska, we get into six advanced tips for beefing up your Facebook Business Page in 2019

🤳🏽  Instagram's Testing New "Creator Accounts" to Help Personal Brands/Influencers Better Connect & Grow Their Audiences

Influencers are a powerful force in the Instagram community. Taking notice, the social media company started testing out new "Creator Accounts" offering deeper performance insights, direct messaging tools, and other unique features with a select group of its most influential users. Get all the details on the new accounts from Account Executive Arielle Gnann here.

Hot Off The Presses 🔥

HubSpot Marketing: In this new guide, IMPACT's resident HubSpot expert, Carina Duffy, dishes out a candid and comprehensive analysis of the HubSpot Marketing Hub and all of the dirt you need to make the best decision for your company and its marketing. 

Inbound Leadership: Inbound isn't just for marketers anymore. Inbound Leadership is a new (Dharmesh Shah approved) leadership philosophy developed by IMPACT's COO Chris Duprey, after decades of leadership studies, research, and inspiration from our Inbound Manifesto.

Save the Date 📅

Alright, so if you've read this far, you need to be at IMPACT Live next year. You're our people.

Plus, ticket prices are about to go up and I don't want you to pay full price (like I said, you're our people.) So, go get those tickets now

Weekend Nonsense 🎉

Now, this gem is from a few years ago, but its commentary on cliche brands remains as fresh as ever:

Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at 5.16.05 PM

So, be honest. What brands did this remind you of? Hit reply and let me know!

As always, if you got this from a friend and haven't subscribed yet, join the fun here

Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


Share the Awesomeness.


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