[THE LATEST] Kids These Days 🙄 - EMEL


Thursday, December 13, 2018

[THE LATEST] Kids These Days 🙄

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Instagram Introduces Voice Messaging, "LIVE" Notifications in Google SERPs, & Clever Video Strategies for Email... This is THE LATEST!

Whenever there's a change or something new in social media, this is how I feel trying to get someone younger and more "down with the 4-1-1" to explain it to me:


In fact, it took both Ramona (our Head of Editorial Content) and Stephanie (our Director of Audience Engagement and Community) an hour during a team dinner last year to teach me about "bitmojis" and to make one for me -- because I'm helpless. 

Kids these days, am I right? With their beep-boop technology and their rock-n-roll music. Back in my day, I had to walk uphill both ways in the snow to post passive aggressive song lyrics in my AIM profile.

Anyway, here's THE LATEST... 

What Marketers Need to Know About Instagram's New Voice Messaging Feature 🔊

This week, Instagram announced the rollout of a new feature -- voice messaging. Now, you might be saying, "So what, Liz? That's not really a big deal for businesses." Wrong! While it may sound like more of a perk for private users, Instagram voice messaging is a huge opportunity for brands to make their marketing and social presence more personal and human. Want to learn more? In this article, IMPACT Account Supervisor Kate Fodera breaks down how the new feature works, why it matters, and how you can use it.

Google Showing "LIVE" Badge for Live Stream Videos in Search Results (& How to Get It) 🚨

Video is a big deal. (Duh.) Live video is a powerful way to engage your audience. (Double duh.) Now, Google is making it easier for searchers to identify streaming videos that are currently live with a new, shiny red "LIVE" badge that's displayed in search results. So, if live video is part of your strategy, you're going to want to dig into this article by IMPACT Talent Manager Carolyn Edgecomb, which outlines everything you need to know about the new badge and how to get the badge for your live videos right now.

4 Awesome Ways to Take Your Email Marketing to the Next Level with Video 📽️

Video is a big deal. ("Wait, didn't she already say that?") Video in email, however, is game-changing. Of course, email marketing with video is a bit of an art form -- and there are a handful of critical "rules of the road" you need to understand before you start dropping video links and thumbnails into your next newsletter. Lucky for you, IMPACT Creative Director Alex Winter wrote this article that gives you four creative ways to use video in your email and the best practices you need to be aware of before you get started.

... When You're All Ears (& Eyes) 👀

Throwback Thursday 💥

Take a dip in our very own virtual hot tub time machine with some amazing content goodness from our archives that you may have missed: 

  • Thinking About Redesigning Your Website? Read This First! 
    Our Website Redesign Guide outlines each step of what a successful website redesign preparation process looks like -- from picking the right internal team members and the data you'll need before you get started, to all of the questions you should ask a prospective web design agency and what you should be looking for in their answers. This is a must-read for any business considering redesigning their website in 2019.
  • Your Guide to Creating Website Copy That Doesn't Suck
    Speaking of websites, there's nothing more soul-crushing than finding a beautiful website that has absolutely terrible copy. That's why IMPACT VP of Marketing Kathleen Booth wrote this evergreen article about how to not kill your website with terrible content. Here are the five ways to make your website copy absolutely swoon-worthy right now.

Also, on this day in 1792, Ludwig van Beethoven took his first musical composition lesson from fellow classical composer, Franz Joseph Haydn.

Save the Date 📅

  • IMPACT Live is an inspiring, immersive, high-energy learning experience for marketers and business leaders, bringing together the most innovative minds in digital marketing into a single space. And with the speakers we have lined up for 2019, you won't want to miss out! Our Super Early Bird ticket pricing is only available for one more week, though. So, meet this year's speakers and get your tickets.

OK, enough chit-chat. I'm out of coffee, and it's time for me to start tackling my Thursday to do list. Apparently, pillar content doesn't write itself. Who knew, right?

Hey, you! Yeah, you! Did a friend forward this newsletter to you, but you're not subscribed yet? Join the fun.

Later, squares!

Liz Murphy

Directory, Web & Interactive Content


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