[THE LATEST] Learn something new💡 - EMEL


Saturday, December 29, 2018

[THE LATEST] Learn something new💡

How to Create Pillar Content, Top Web Design Trends You Need to Know, & UX vs. UI ...This is THE LATEST!

Want to hear something crazy? I never learned to ride a bike.

Seriously. I grew up in an apartment building, so it just... never happened. Periodically, I think about rectifying this laughable gap in my range of talents; but whenever I consider it, I remember I'm a 6-foot-tall klutz with a permanent bruise on my left shoulder, because I can't turn corners properly.

(Much like Zoolander, I am also not an ambiturner.) 

Even though we're all adults, here's the moral of the story I want you to take from my biking-aversion tale -- don't wait until it's too late to learn how to do the hard stuff, or to learn about the stuff that lives outside of your comfort zone. 

Whether that be biking, pillar content, or web design, now is the time to expand your horizons and learn something new. 

🤔 Here's How You Actually Write a Piece of Pillar Content

Let's rip off the band-aid together -- the prospect of writing a piece of pillar content can sound horrifying at first. It's supposed to be the most definitive guide on a particular subject, which then lives as the beating heart of your topic cluster. "Liz! Help!" Don't panic. By the end of this year, I will have helped launch more than 15 pieces of pillar content -- and this is the detailed, step-by-step pillar content creation process I have used to do it.

🎨 The 9 Website Trends That Prove 2018 Was an Exciting Year for Design

In the series finale of The Office, Andy says, "I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them." Well, in this article, IMPACT Designer Joe Rinaldi is giving you the heads up that we're currently living in some of the most exciting times in the web design -- and here are the top nine web design trends you need to know going into 2019.

🖥 UX vs. UI: What's the Difference?

UX and UI are terms that are thrown around like confetti in our industry, but have you ever really stopped to consider the difference between the two? "Wait, they're different?" Yes, they are. Lucky for you, IMPACT Design Supervisor Jessie-Lee Nichols has the scoop for you on what's the difference between UX and UI, and which is more important.

🔢 Weekly Number Crunching

As you write your next set of blog articles, keep this in mind -- 71% of buyers say they were turned off by content that felt like a sales pitch. (Need more data-backed content marketing strategy inspiration? ICYMI, we've got you.)

🎉 Weekend Nonsense

Dear Nathan W. Pyle -- I feel seen, but also personally attacked by this comic of yours:


Sigh. Me at every holiday party this season. I'll just see myself back to the gym now... 😑

(Psst! If you got this from a friend and haven't subscribed yet, join the fun here.) 

Until next week! 

Liz Murphy

Director of Web & Interactive Content


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