[THE LATEST] One Hundred BILLION Video Views 🤔 - EMEL


Tuesday, December 11, 2018

[THE LATEST] One Hundred BILLION Video Views 🤔

Why You Need Reddit Video, How Facebook Could Be the New Home Shopping Network, & Marketing Strategies from HubSpot's Kipp Bodnar...This is THE LATEST!

Remember when one million was a big number?


Well, somewhere in between Dr. Evil and the dawn of Facebook, it has certainly lost some of its "oomph." Today, with platforms touting hundreds of millions of daily active users, it's hard to be surprised by some statistics. 

However, even that said, we really must give Reddit a pat on the back for its recent announcement...

With Over 1 Billion Native Video Views a Month, Marketers Need to Take Notice of Reddit 📽️

Believe it or not, Reddit is great for more than just memes and Real Housewives gossip! In just one year of hosting video, a recent report showed that the platform earns roughly 1.4 billion native video views each month. This is presenting a huge untapped opportunity for many marketers as our VP of Services, Brie Rangel, explains here. 

Facebook is Testing Live Product Demos and Purchasing On The Platform 🛒 

Informercials and home shopping may seem like things of the past, but with online shopping becoming the new norm, Facebook is hoping to recreate their success on its platform. The social media giant is currently testing Live Product Demos for sellers in select countries, but IMPACT Account Executive, Nick Bennett explained why marketers everywhere should be looking forward to this feature in his latest article. 

HubSpot's CMO Kipp Bodnar Shares 4 Marketing Strategies It Used to Deliver Results in 2018 🏆

Earlier this year at IMPACT Live, we were honored to welcome HubSpot's CMO Kipp Bodnar to our stage where he shared some of the strategic secrets the company has been trying this year. Well, this week, he sat back down with our VP of Marketing, Kathleen Booth, to discuss four of those secrets more in depth. Listen in on their conversation here. 

Save the Date 📅

  • The New Haven HUG is TONIGHT!! The New Haven (CT) HUG is meeting tonight! If you're in the area, join us as our very own HubSpot Specialist, Carina Duffy, walks us through "choose your own adventure" lead nurturing and how you can do it in HubSpot. This event is FREE to attend for all (even non-HubSpot users); you just need to register!
  • Join Our Elite Conversation With the Man Behind The Daily Carnage! Today's the final installment of our 2018 IMPACT Elite Conversations series and we're welcoming Carney's Marketing Director (and one of the minds behind The Daily Carnage), Mark Rogers! We'll be talking 2019 marketing strategy, newsletter strategy, and more. Hit "get reminded" here to be notified when we go live at 2:00pm ET today. 
  • Super Early Bird tickets to IMPACT Live are only available for 10 more days. The money you'll save might just cover your travel costs to Hartford next August. So basically it's like a free flight. You're welcome. Go get those tickets now.

As always, if you got this from a friend and haven't subscribed yet, join the fun here. 

Talk soon, 

Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


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