[THE LATEST] Running out of time ⌛ - EMEL


Saturday, December 22, 2018

[THE LATEST] Running out of time ⌛


Don't see a gift with your name on it? Let's fix that here. 

Twitter Resurrects Its Old Timeline, HubSpot Updates Its Zoom Integration, & Home Alone Day... This Is THE LATEST!

I write this to you as its nearing midnight on a Friday night and I've just returned home from seeing the Broadway tour of Hamilton (and YUP, the hype is real).

In it, Alexander Hamilton writes day and night like he was running out of time, and frankly, I'm doing the same right now! 

But before I take a little holiday break, I wanted to leave you with a few insightful gifts:


🔄  Twitter Brought Back Its Reverse Chronological Timeline (and Marketers Chances at Organic Reach)

Earlier this week, Twitter announced iPhone users (and soon Android and desktop users) will be able to switch back to the platform's original reverse chronological timeline with just the click of one button. This change challenges the algorithmic timeline introduced in 2016 and makes organic reach a possibility for marketers on the social network again. IMPACT Account Executive Nick Bennett explains here. 

📹  HubSpot Updated Its Zoom Integration In the Name of Video Culture

Video and Zoom are an integral part of our organizational culture here at IMPACT -- and we're certainly not alone. In this article, Director of Client Service Katie Pritchard shares the details on HubSpot's latest Zoom Integration and what it says about the company's dedication to video. 

📱  Over 50% of Google Search Results Are Mobile-First Worldwide

We all remember Google's "mobilegeddon." Well, since the update in 2015, the transition to fully putting mobile first has been a bit slow to the boil. That is, until this week when Google announced that over 50% of the search results the search engine returns globally are officially from crawling and indexing the web using mobile-first indexing. IMPACT Account Supervisor Kate Fodera dives into the news and what it means for marketers here. 

Weekend Nonsense 

Fun Fact: Yesterday, December 21, was Home Alone Day. In other words, it was the day that the McCallisters left poor Kevin behind on his own in the beloved holiday movie, Home Alone.

In honor of the movie and season, Google released this brilliantly nostalgic commercial, updating many of the best scenes for 2018.

Screen Shot 2018-12-22 at 12.05.25 AM

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Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


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