[THE LATEST] Save me from myself 😔💥 - EMEL


Thursday, December 6, 2018

[THE LATEST] Save me from myself 😔💥

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How Not to Follow-up with Prospects, 8 Stunning Whitespace Examples, & New Data on Where to Spend Your 2019 Ad Dollars ... This is THE LATEST!

I'm an only child. So, from toddler to teenager, I was a Mister Rogers-obsessed, rosy-cheeked, insufferable little know-it-all. (Fun fact: My first word was "no." Sorry, Mom and Dad.)

I wish I could say I've grown out of it entirely, but I would be lying to you; and I can't lie to you. So, here's the truth -- even though I'm now comfortably in my 30s, I still sometimes need to be saved from myself.

From my husband forcing me to get my first flu shot last weekend -- I have four tattoos, but I was still scared for some reason...? -- to learning the dos, the don'ts, and the data points I need to be successful in my job, I still get by with a little help from my friends.

Here's THE LATEST... 

Video: How Not to Follow-up with Sales Prospects (& What You Should Do Instead) 📽️

You know what's the absolute worst? Having a prospect go completely radio silent on you after you send over a proposal, and all you're left with are phone calls that aren't returned and unanswered emails. Not only can this be demoralizing for a sales rep if you've put a ton of time on a deal, these instances can eat up a lot of time and leave you looking pretty desperate. Thankfully, this video from Jason Swenk will save you from sending those sad "Just checking in!" proposal follow-up emails by showing you the tactics that work -- and those that don't.

Learn to Love the Power of Website Whitespace with These 8 Showstopping Examples 🖥️

Look, I know some of you have an allergy to whitespace on website pages. Why leave areas empty on a page, when you can pack in as much valuable content as possible, right? Well, not quite. What you may not realize is that whitespace -- sometimes referred to as "negative space" -- is one of the most important and purposeful techniques used in web design. Never fear! IMPACT designer Ashleigh Respicio curated this list of eight stunning websites that use whitespace to inspire you, along with what you can learn from each example.

Which Advertising Channels Grew in 2018? Plan Your 2019 Marketing Strategy with This Report 💰

I would estimate that... zero of you would be surprised to learn that MAGNA says ad spending was up in the United States and around the world for the ninth year in a row in 2018. However, even though they're predicting the upward trend in ad spend to continue in 2019, not all advertising channels are created equal. In this quick article, IMPACT VP of Services Brie Rangel gives you the scoop on 2018's ad spend winners and losers, and where you should be looking to spend your 2019 ad dollars.

... When You're All Ears (& Eyes) 👀

It's Throwback Thursday (New!) 💥

Each Thursday edition of THE LATEST, I'm going to share some amazing content goodness from our archives that you may have missed.

  • Is SEO Dead? We've Got the Answer...
    Every year, marketers make themselves crazy trying to answer this question -- and some of you have a little too much fun saying, "Yes, it is, and we're all doomed." So, we partnered with technical SEO mastermind Franco Valentino of Narrative SEO to produce this comprehensive guide that explains what you need to know about SEO going into 2019.
  • You Need to Start Talking to Your Sales Teams
    Back in April, I shared my experience of being embedded with the IMPACT sales team for six months in 2017 and 2018. Not only was it a transformative experience, personally, there were four absolutely essential lessons I learned that all marketers should take to heart, as they look ahead to next year. Here is what every single marketer should be doing with their sales teams.

Also, happy 141st birthday to the Washington Post -- my hometown rag! On this date in 1877, the newspaper published its first issue. It was four pages long and cost 3 centsand reported on the ill health of the Pope and that, "The Capitol was a dull place yesterday."

Save the Date 📅

  • Make news by breaking news! Creating content around breaking news can generate tons of media attention (& bring in sales), but not many of us are doing it… yet. On December 10, you have a chance to learn directly from David Meerman Scott about how to generate leads and customers with his pioneered technique of "newsjacking." Start making headlines, reserve your spot today.
  • Go behind the scenes of Carney with Mark Rogers. On December 11, the final installment of our 2018 IMPACT Elite Conversations series will feature a live conversation with Carney Marketing Director Mark Rogers. (Psst! Carney publishes the super popular newsletter The Daily Carnage.) Add this conversation to your calendar.
  • Who's in New Haven and needs a HUG? Also on December 11, you can join us for the New Haven HubSpot User Group (HUG) meetup, during which we'll be talking about how you can make the most of HubSpot's "Pick Your Own Adventure" lead nurturing strategy. Register for the New Haven HUG today.
  • Early-bird pricing (50% off!) for IMPACT Live 2019 is about to end! So, now is the time to go all-in on our innovative, immersive, and inspiring learning experience for marketers and marketing teams. Seriously, you'll kick yourself when the prices go up -- so, get your tickets now.

Whew, I think that's enough from me for today. Now, go forth and make good marketing decisions.

(Don't forget, if you got this from a friend and haven't subscribed yet, make sure to join the fun here.)


Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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