One of the Jetpack features our users love the most is Publicize. And it's easy to see why: a lot happens on social networks–Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and others–and Publicize makes it easy to make sure your content is in the mix.

When you establish a Publicize connection between your WordPress-powered site and your social network accounts, your new posts are automatically shared in your feeds. As of March 1st, LinkedIn is making changes that will stop Publicize from sharing new posts to your feed there. To ensure your posts continue to be correctly shared, we've made some changes on our end to achieve full compatibility with these changes from LinkedIn.

To make sure the changes take effect for your site, you'll need to disconnect and re-connect with LinkedIn. This will re-authenticate you with their systems, and then you can go back to not thinking whether your posts are getting shared–which is the point of Publicize!

  1. Log in to, and select the site whose LinkedIn connection you need to update.
  2. Go to the Sharing settings. You'll find a link to this section in the sidebar: Menu with Sharing item highlighted
  3. Once in the Sharing settings, you'll see a warning notice below the LinkedIn connection:Notice informing user that LinkedIn needs to be reauthenticated
  4. Click Disconnect button to turn off your LinkedIn connection.
  5. You'll see that button change to a Connect button again. Click it to start the connection process.
  6. Authorize the LinkedIn connection in the pop-up that appears. You might need to log in to your LinkedIn account to complete this. All the instructions in this dialog come from LinkedIn.

This re-authenticates your connection and ensures that Publicize will continue sharing your posts to LinkedIn normally. Time to start writing again!