[THE LATEST] Google's Favorite Site Structure, Mastercard's Signature Sound, & LinkedIn's New Group Updates... - EMEL


Saturday, February 16, 2019

[THE LATEST] Google's Favorite Site Structure, Mastercard's Signature Sound, & LinkedIn's New Group Updates...

Google's Favorite Site Structure, Mastercard's Signature Sound, & LinkedIn's New Group Updates...This Is THE LATEST!

This week at IMPACT HQ, we had another group of our remote teammates visit for some training and team fun. 

Now, as wonderful as it is to see everyone, I have to say I was most excited to meet IMPACT Strategist Stacy's baby girl, Anna, for the first time. 

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Lady Boss in Training!

I mean, who doesn't love a baby? It's funny; I'm not a mother, but as a marketer and creative, I often feel like one.

Our blog is my baby. Our website and brand are everyone's babies. This newsletter is another. We create them, watch them grow, and want to do everything we can to protect them and see them succeed. I'm sure you can relate. 

Here are a few of the latest insights to help you make sure your babies stay happy and healthy this week. 

💻  This is How Google Wants You to Structure Your Website

The way you structure your website is essential to making it easy to navigate and to find the information your users want, but recent comments form Google's John Mueller revealed it plays a big part in your SEO as well. Is your website structured for success? In this article, we unveil the two types of websites Google usually encounters and which one it prefers. 

🔊  Mastercard's Investment in Sonic Branding May Make You Wonder If You Should Make One Too

A few weeks ago, we talked to you about ASMR marketing. Well, between that and the growing popularity of podcasts and voice search, the rise of auditory marketing isn't slowing down! This week, Mastercard debuted its sonic brand in an audio press release and shared how it will be adapted for different mediums and markets. You've got to hear it!

🗣️  New Updates to LinkedIn Groups Will Reduce Spam & Increase Admin Power

Since last year, LinkedIn has been trying to breathe new life into its Groups -- and a recent report shows it's working. To keep up momentum, the platform just announced a few more updates that will help reduce spam to users and increase group admins' power to moderate activity. Let's take a closer look at LinkedIn Groups' latest notification and moderation updates here.

📅  Save The Date!

  • Chicago, Liz is Coming for You: You read that correctly! Next Wednesay, February 20, my partner in content crime, Liz Murphy, will be joining the folks at the Chicago HUG for a hands-on, intensive, super-fun content strategy workshop all about pillar content and topic clusters. Space is very limited for this event, and preference will be given to those who have an inbound certification. So, register for this meet-up now.

🎉  Weekend Nonsense

Maybe this isn't nonsense, but it is ridiculously cool. This brilliant mural in Worcester, Massachusetts, delivers two very different images when viewed through the two separate lenses of 3D glasses. Check out this Instagram post from user insane51 for the full experience:


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See you next week!

Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


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