How to Create a Completely Custom WordPress Theme (Beginner's Guide) - EMEL


Monday, March 25, 2019

How to Create a Completely Custom WordPress Theme (Beginner's Guide)

Do you want to create a completely custom WordPress theme from scratch ... without writing any code?

It didn't used to be possible ... but now it is!

In the past, you either had to learn how to code or pay thousands of dollars to developers for building a custom theme.

Most people couldn't afford the high costs and learning code is not easy!

After our recent reader survey which many of you took (thank you), it became clear to me that we had to create a tutorial on how to create a custom theme that's focused on beginners.

Today, I'm excited to share our beginner's guide on how to create a completely custom WordPress theme from scratch (without writing any code).

You will love it because this tool lets you create custom themes within an hour or two max. If you're more detail oriented, then it might take a little bit more :)

Two Helpful WPBeginner Videos

Several of you asked for tips on how to grow your website traffic. If you'd like to learn that, then check out these YouTube videos on WPBeginner:

- 5 Simple Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Website

- 8 Proven Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic

I hope you found these tips helpful. If you did, simply reply to this email with a "YES" to let me know :)

Talk soon,

Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

P.S. WPBeginner is now on Pinterest. Please follow us on Pinterest and help us spread the word :)
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