[THE LATEST] Screening for Company Culture Fit, HubSpot's New Customer Feedback Dashboard, & Why Mom-Friendly Company Cultures Benefits Everyone - EMEL


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

[THE LATEST] Screening for Company Culture Fit, HubSpot's New Customer Feedback Dashboard, & Why Mom-Friendly Company Cultures Benefits Everyone

Screening for Company Culture Fit, HubSpot's New Customer Feedback Dashboard, & Why Mom-Friendly Company Cultures Benefit Everyone ...This Is THE LATEST!

While doing some research this weekend for a project, I came across a staggering statistic. 

Almost 30 percent of responding adults said they would give up seeing their friends in person before they would surrender their smartphone, according to The Boston Consulting Group.


Look, I'll be the first to admit that this 2017 New Yorker cartoon speaks to me on an almost spiritual level...


Still, I'm amazed at how quickly we all seem to forget that -- even with so much technology at our fingertips -- we are still human beings who crave human contact, validation, and interaction.

In the context of marketing and sales, buyers may be going out of their way to avoid speaking with someone in sales -- but look at the rise of conversational marketing

We now live in a digital age where buyers are not only demanding authenticity from brands, they also want to have real-time, human conversations with them. 

And if we were to look inward at our own organizations, it doesn't matter if you are starting to embrace remote workers as part of your team; the company culture you create with your people still matters.

🤔 3 Culture Fit Questions You Should Ask to See If a Candidate Is a Good Fit for Your Company

At IMPACT, we take our company culture very seriously. And given the amount of hiring we've done since we've opened our doors, we've learned a lot about the best questions to ask to uncover whether or not a candidate really is a great fit for us. In this article, VP of Services Brie Rangel shares the top three culture fit interview questions you should ask job candidates -- and what to look for in their answers.

The 3 Questions

💬 New HubSpot Feedback Dashboard Can Tell You How Happy Your Customers Are... or Aren't

OK, here's the deal -- even your most loyal customers probably have ideas about how you could improve your product or service, or how you can better support and service your customers. Now, HubSpot is making it easier to obtain, evaluate, and archive this kind of feedback from your customers. Learn more about HubSpot's new Service Hub Feedback Dashboard and how it will make it easier for you to learn and track what your customers really think about your company.

What Do Your Customers Think?

And now a brief message from...  Owl-Labs-Logo
"There's a cheesy quote about how values don't mean anything until they're difficult to act on, and that has proven itself to be true to me time and time again as a leader. When asking myself the question of what kind of leader do I want to be, I want to be the leader that follows through on what I promise to my team and my customers."

In an interview
 with video conferencing technology company Owl Labs, Know Your Team CEO Claire Lew discusses the company's origins as an internal Basecamp tool, why remote companies have an advantage over co-located teams, and how she made the tough decision to change the company's name and product direction just a couple of months ago.
Read the Interview

👏 Mom-Friendly Company Cultures Benefit Your Company & Future Generations

Companies, take note -- if you're not hiring moms or going out of your way to create a mom-friendly culture, research shows you're flat-out missing the boat on one of the hardest working population groups in the world. That's why working mom and IMPACT Principal Strategist Stacy Willis is challenging all of you to find ways to support working moms in your company -- for you, for them, and for future generations.

Working Moms Rock

👀 ... When You're All Ears & Eyes

🎉 You Like Winning Stuff, Right? (Of Course You Do!)

What's better than a free ticket to IMPACT Live? A free ticket to IMPACT Live plus copies of books from our spotlight speakers!

Early bird pricing for our marquee event runs through March, and tickets are already as affordable as they'll ever be -- you can even use the code LATEST50 for $50 off!

But who doesn't love free stuff? We'll be giving away a free All Access ticket and four books every month, so head over to the contest page to enter right now

🚨 Save Your Seat!

  • In this month's Website Throwdown, we have speaker, bestselling author, and marketing strategist David Meerman Scott joining the ring to critique a few hand-picked sites with our panel of experts. They'll be reviewing everything from content and design to SEO and conversion paths. The deadline has passed to submit your website for critique, but you can still save your seat as a "ringside" spectator.

This is Liz Murphy signing off until we meet again🎶 

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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