[THE LATEST] Setting Goals as Leaders, the Most Common Facebook Ads Mistakes You're Making, & the Only Storytelling Guide You'll Ever Need - EMEL


Thursday, March 7, 2019

[THE LATEST] Setting Goals as Leaders, the Most Common Facebook Ads Mistakes You're Making, & the Only Storytelling Guide You'll Ever Need

Setting Goals as Leaders, the Most Common Facebook Ads Mistakes You're Making, & the Only Storytelling Guide You'll Ever Need ...This Is THE LATEST!

I have an emotional allergy to self-discipline

So, since I work from home, I put on my gym clothes in the morning on designated workout days -- even if I'm not going to the gym until the late afternoon or early evening.

Although I've kept to my personal goal of working out three times a week for 24 weeks, I still sometimes surprise myself with my capacity for laziness.

Meaning, in spite of my "dress for workout success" hack, there are times when I still won't go. 


Exhibit A. Me on Monday night.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Unfortunately, when that happens, any disappointment in myself is often offset by the undeserved feeling of superiority I experience when I go to Trader Joe's in my gym clothes... instead of the gym.

I get to walk around in spandex and a track jacket, looking like I'm an "adult" who "works out" and "has it all" -- but really, I'm just there to buy the ice cream I haven't earned

However, even with those occasional triumphs of ice cream over exercise, I'm sure if our COO, Chris Duprey, was here -- and not at a silent retreat in rural Massachusetts -- he'd tell me the fact I'm even making personal goals and (for the most part) sticking to them, is what matters.

🌱 Leaders Need to Think About Their Learning Goals Like Business Goals

IMPACT COO Chris Duprey didn't want to write about goal-setting -- which is why he calls me out at the top of this article in protest (rude) -- but I am so very glad he did. As leaders and individual contributors, we're trained to hyper-focus on business goals, team goals, and project goals. In this article, Chris shares his goals and then challenges all of us to make that same level of commitment to our learning and development

🚧 You're Probably Making at Least One of These Facebook Advertising Mistakes

How many of you know you could be getting better results with your Facebook ads strategy? I'm going to guess most of you. There are a lot of different reasons why a Facebook ads strategy can underperform -- if not fail entirely -- which is why IMPACT Principal Strategist Caitlin Sellers Castevens has updated our super popular 11 Facebook Ad Mistakes You're Probably Making (& How to Avoid Them) article for 2019

📚 Yes, This Really Is the Only Storytelling Guide You'll Ever Need

As part of my extensive homework leading up to a keynote speaker training retreat in April, I had to read Margot Leitman's Long Story Short: The Only Storytelling Guide You'll Ever Need. How was it? Well, long story short (ha), it's absolutely transformative. Here is why I believe every content marketer needs to read this book ASAP, along with three key lessons from it you can take action on right now.

🚨 Save Your Seat!

  • In Chicago on March 27? Join the Chicago HUG for an extraordinary opportunity to learn from partner agencies and fellow HUG members during a live taping of HubSpot Academy's Agency Unfiltered web series. HubSpot Academy's Kevin Dunn will interview Chicago-based HubSpot partner agency owners for episodes for Season 2 of Agency Unfiltered. Register for this in-person event now -- space is limited.
  • In this month's Website Throwdown, we have speaker, bestselling author, and marketing strategist David Meerman Scott joining the ring to critique a few hand-picked sites with our panel of experts. They'll be reviewing everything from content and design to SEO and conversion paths. Test your luck and submit your site for the chance to be critiqued by Monday, March 11! Or if you'd rather be a spectator, you can save your seat.

⏰ Throwback Thursday

Have you heard? "Video is the future of marketing and sales."

Just kidding. Video is already here, which is why so many companies are now wrestling with a pretty important question -- "Do we need a video hosting solution? Is it worth the investment?"

Yes and yes. 

That's why IMPACT Director of Video Training & Strategy Zach Basner put together this interactive guide on Vidyard for businesses -- one of the most popular video hosting platforms for companies who have either already made a commitment to creating video or are starting their journey with video.

Screen Shot 2019-03-06 at 7.57.12 AM

In it, Zach covers why choosing a video hosting solution is so important; Vidyard vs. Wistia, YouTube, and Vimeo; signs Vidyard is (and isn't) right for you; and how to get started with Vidyard, whether or not you've been creating video. 

The best part about this guide? You can either watch or read each chapter. 

🌎  IMPACTers on the Move

  • Want to convert more leads and close more deals in 2019? Come see IMPACT VP of Marketing Kathleen Booth at the SMPS GROW Professional Development Conference on Next Thursday, March 14, in Hunt Valley, Maryland! Kathleen will be showing you the exact strategies you need to implement to get found online and grow your business with content. Register now for this in-person event.
  • Don't miss Marcus Sheridan's session at Social Media Marketing World: Marcus will be in San Diego for SMM next month and you don't want to miss his talk on March 22. He'll be discussing "How Radical Transparency With Video Can Explode Your Business and Bottom Line" and sharing a ton of first-hand experience. Get your tickets here.

That's all, folks! 

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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