[THE LATEST] Fearless Leadership, Marketing Agency Effectiveness in 2019, & the Latest HubSpot Integrations - EMEL


Tuesday, April 9, 2019

[THE LATEST] Fearless Leadership, Marketing Agency Effectiveness in 2019, & the Latest HubSpot Integrations

Fearless Leadership, Marketing Agency Effectiveness in 2019, & the Latest HubSpot Integrations ...This Is THE LATEST!

I'm back from Denver, and I was looking forward to using my first issue back to share something fun and inspiring. Instead, I want to share an unexpected experience.

After three genuinely transformative days of in-depth coaching on stage presence, branding, storytelling, neuromarketing, and more at Speak with Confidence, I was absolutely exhausted -- physically and mentally -- as I boarded my 6 p.m. flight home to Maryland. 


About 50 minutes into our flight, we were notified of "moderate turbulence" coming up, so in-flight service was suspended.

I don't scare easily. But this level of sustained turbulence was something I had never experienced. Also, as someone who has been through "moderate" turbulence before, this was anything but. For an hour, the plane pitched and shook violently -- up and down and side to side -- while also occasionally losing altitude. 

When we thought we were clear of it, we only had 10 minutes before flight attendants were once again asked by the pilot to abandon the service cart in the aisle to buckle in immediately for more excitement as we flew south of Chicago. Then through part of Indiana. And again over Columbus, Ohio.

When we landed, I learned that all flights in the air at that time with that flight path had the same experience, which somehow felt comforting: 

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I am sharing this with you because I have to thank fellow IMPACTer Chris Duprey (our COO and the author of the first featured article in this issue), who has conversed with me at length about mindfulness, as I have worked to implement my own practice of it over the past 18 months. His recent coaching around being present and trying to maintain awareness of your body when you're feeling out of control helped me tremendously in that moment.

(Yes, I still was terrified. But it could have been worse.)

As I sat there, white-knuckling the armrests, I just kept trying to mentally focus on how my feet felt rooted to the floor, how my body felt in the airplane seat, the feeling of the plastic beneath my fingertips, and so on, as I tried to regulate my breathing. Eventually, the shaking stopped.

Having that experience on the heels of my surprising personal journey last week in Denver was an oddly poetic reminder that sometimes we need to accept that we cannot always be in control -- all we can do is show up and be present.

✍️ What Does It Really Mean to Be a Fearless Leader?

The concept of fearlessness in leadership has become twisted and distorted, to the point where many (incorrectly) believe a fearless leader does not show weakness or moments of doubt. Not only is that way of thinking destructive, it's also wrong. So, in this article, IMPACT COO Chris Duprey thoughtfully reflects on what fearless leadership really looks like, in response to VP of Services Brie Rangel's honest account of her own trials with leadership.  

💸 Is Hiring a Marketing Agency Still Worth Your Marketing Budget Dollars?

A lot has changed in the digital marketing world -- even in just the past few years. However, many organizations and agencies haven't considered how these shifts have altered what the modern agency relationship should look like, and what services you should and shouldn't be outsourcing. IMPACT Director of Sales Melanie Collins explores what's changed and why with digital marketing, and candidly explores whether or not you should consider working with an agency in 2019 and beyond.

🎟️ LATEST EXCLUSIVE: Early Bird Pricing for IMPACT Live Is Over... Except for You -- Our Subscribers! 

We ended early bird pricing for IMPACT Live last week for the general public... but there are perks to being a subscriber of THE LATEST. Using promo code LATEST50, you can still save $50 on your ticket, while everyone else is stuck paying full price. So, check out this year's incredible agenda, convince your boss you need to join us, and then get your ticket to IMPACT Live today

💥 Newsflash: Learn About HubSpot's 6 Latest Tech Integrations

HubSpot is always adding new integrations -- in fact, they currently have more than 200! -- so it makes it easier for users to connect more data points into a single automation platform. But, let's be honest. It can be hard to stay on top of what's new. Thankfully, we've got you covered with an in-depth overview of the six latest HubSpot integrations you can start using today

⚠️ Save Your Seat!

  • LAST CALL! Who's in Annapolis and Needs a HUG? (A HubSpot User Group, that is!) THIS WEDNESDAY, the Annapolis HubSpot User Group will be getting together to learn all about mastering LinkedIn advertising from IMPACT Paid Media Specialist Jason Linde. Registration is free, and there will be complimentary snacks and drinks, so reserve your seat now. (The room actually does have limited space.)

📚 A Little Light Reading

"My favorite new social network doesn't incessantly spam me with notifications. When I post, I'm not bombarded with @mentions from bots and trolls. And after I use it, I don't worry about ads following me around the web. That's because my new social network is an email newsletter."

An excerpt from a wonderful ode to the more private modes of online communication from the New York Times. (🎩-tip to IMPACT VP of Marketing Kathleen Booth for sending this my way.)

So long, farewell! (Until Thursday.)

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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