[THE LATEST] An Honest Review of HubSpot Conversations, What HubSpot's Outage Taught Us, & Creating Helpful Content - EMEL


Saturday, April 6, 2019

[THE LATEST] An Honest Review of HubSpot Conversations, What HubSpot's Outage Taught Us, & Creating Helpful Content

An Honest Review of HubSpot Conversations, What HubSpot's Outage Taught Us, & Creating Helpful Content...This Is THE LATEST!

You've most likely heard the phrase "honesty is the best policy." It's simple enough, right? We're taught from a very young age that lying is bad. I used to agree. 

That is, until I saw this sign at Jimmy John's:

[if you see this turn on images] jimmy johns sign

Image courtesy of Dale Wilson.

Now, this is the phrase I agree with. 

Honesty may not always be the best policy, depending on your definition of "best." Harsh honesty can hurt feelings. Poorly timed honesty can cause more harm than good. However, there is no denying that honesty is not only morally right, it is indeed highly efficient. Personally, I am a huge fan of respectful, caring honesty. Also, I suck at lying.

Just ask my wife who has teased me many times because I forgot the nice little "white lie" about why we're late to a party (when the real reason is probably because we couldn't find two matching socks). 

Last weekend we watched Amy Schumer's new Netflix special. In it, Amy talks about how her husband was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and how, as part of that, he doesn't lie.

Amy Schumer Growing Quote

Clip from Amy Schumer's special called Growing.

Now, I can lie but I'm truly a terrible liar. It makes me uncomfortable and I have an awful poker face. This means, much like Amy's husband, I can't lie for my wife

The moral of my story? Honesty is the way to go. This week's content is all very honest so, buckle up. Here comes some #realtalk. 

🗣️  An Honest Review of HubSpot Conversations: The Pros & Cons

As I just said, I'm all about the honesty. I recently wrote an honest review of HubSpot Video and now I've tackled reviewing HubSpot Conversations with the same approach. After converting our entire website chatbot and live chat functionality to HubSpot, I had quite a bit to share. Here is an honest review of HubSpot Conversations and what you need to know if you decide to use it.

🚨 What HubSpot's Outage Taught Us About Effective Crisis Communication

HubSpot experienced a major, multiday outage that began on March 28. If you were at INBOUND 2018 you may recall HubSpot's cofounder, Dharmesh Shah, sharing how "owning your screw-ups" is a core piece of the HubSpot Customer Code. HubSpot's "own your screw-ups" response to this outage teaches valuable lessons to both SaaS companies and companies that rely on platforms like HubSpot to power their business.

✏️ "Happy to Help": My Process for Creating Memorable & Engaging Content Every Single Time

Raise your hand if you've ever said or typed the phrase "I'd be happy to help." Did you truly mean it? (I told you there'd be some #realtalk today.) In her recent article, Liz Murphy calls us out on the all too common use of "happy to help" without truly meaning it. More importantly, she's here to help us be better. Here is Liz's process for creating truly helpful, memorable, and engaging content every single time.

💌 BONUS How Meta: 6 Email Marketing Newsletter Lessons Learned from Sending 129 Issues of THE LATEST

I couldn't let this week go by without sharing this article about THE LATEST in THE LATEST because I love when things are meta. From coming face-to-face with the bad reputation email newsletters have to learning you can't make everyone happy, here are six email marketing newsletter lessons learned from sending 129 issues of THE LATEST.

🔥 Hot Off The Presses

While we normally take this time to showcase a new piece of pillar content, I have something else to share with you this week and it 👏 is 👏 awesome. 👏 Introducing: The Inbound Success Playbooks. These babies have been months in the making and feature step-by-step process overviews, expert insights, and loads of real-life examples. Plus, they're completely ungated (yup, no email required). Learn everything you need to know to transform your business with inbound and achieve remarkable marketing and sales results. 

💰 Save $50 on IMPACT Live Tickets

Early Bird pricing ended this week but never fear, promo codes are here! Use the code LATEST50 to knock $50 off your ticket price. You can grab your (already very affordable) tickets here and get ready to join us in August for two days of fun times and totally immersive learning.  

🎉  Weekend Nonsense

I stumbled upon this video earlier this week and have randomly laughed in public just thinking about it at least three times now. Ah, budget vs. expectations, am I right? 

[turn on images] expectation vs budget

Next week you'll be back to your regularly scheduled Liz and Ramona. For now, it's been fun hangin' with you all. Want to keep the conversation going? I'd love for you to join me in IMPACT Elite!

Stephanie Baiocchi

Director of Audience Engagement & Community


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