I wanna be where the people are ❤️ - EMEL


Tuesday, May 28, 2019

I wanna be where the people are ❤️

Sending the RightMessage, The Most Popular Video Types on YouTube, & Supercharging Your CRM...This Is THE LATEST!

Alright, friend.

With Memorial Day behind us, it's the unofficial start to summer here in the United States. So, it's hard not to get distracted by thoughts of the beach, ice cream, and barbecues.

Even as I write this, our office is closed and I'm staring out my apartment window at a blanket of sunshine (and nearly perfect 80-degree weather) counting the minutes until I can be where the people are:


After seeing Aladdin I am on a Disney kick. Bear with me. 

-- but we can't lose focus! 

We need to keep our eyes on the prize, working toward those quarterly and annual marketing goals. Here are some of the latest insights to keep you on track.

👥This Marketing Tool Will Help Make Personalizing Your Website Easier Than Ever

Wish your audience was larger? That you knew more about them and could better cater your content to them? Thanks to RightMessage that's all easier than ever for marketers. In this month's IMPACT Toolbox, front-end developer Morgan VanDerLeest dives into everything RightMessage has to offer and how you can get the most out of it.


🎥  The Numbers Say These Are the 13 Most Popular Types of Video on YouTube [Infographic]

By now, you know you need to be creating video content, but any old video won't do -- especially if you want to see success on YouTube. IMPACT Manager of Demand Generation, Myriah Anderson shares an insightful infographic detailing the top 13 types of video on YouTube and the numbers behind them.


🗄️  Are You Still Manually Updating Your CRM?

Customer data management is essential to sales success, but also extremely time consuming and monotonous. It's 2019 and if you're still manually updating your CRM, there are a number of more effective ways to get the job done. Enter CRM integration. LyntonWeb's Katy Ermak explains.

1-up YOUR CRM  

🚨 Save Your Seat

If you'll be in the Connecticut area in June, now's the chance to save your seat at a HUG.

On Tuesday, June 11, IMPACT's own Carina Duffy will be sharing with the Hartford HUG what we can learn from HubSpot's Pick Your Own Adventure Lead Nurturing Strategy.

And later that month, on June 25, the New Haven HUG will be hosting live website throwdowns, where experts will critique attendees' websites, offering valuable tips and tricks to improve your site right away. Make sure to register (and, if you dare, throw your hat into the ring)!

That's all for now, folks!

Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


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