[THE LATEST] Growth hurts 💔 - EMEL


Thursday, May 9, 2019

[THE LATEST] Growth hurts 💔

Freelancers for Content Doesn't Work, Facebook's New Video Algorithm, & You Need to Talk About Who You're Not Right for ...This Is THE LATEST!

Full disclosure, I'm coming to the keyboard today in a bit of a weird headspace.

A lot in my life has changed in the past year, which has led to a lot of personal growth for me. And it would seem that this year is gearing up to be much of the same -- which, quite frankly, I wasn't expecting. 

Of course, most of this change is positive, transformational, and surprising in the most exciting of ways. But here's the tricky thing about transformative change -- even when it's positive, it's disruptive

As a result, although we intellectually recognize that we need to mentally leap into the void to achieve the growth we seek personally or for our business, we will still freeze in the face of the requisite discomfort that goes hand-in-hand with that growth. 

Nothing drives this point home more effectively than this short (90 seconds) video:

Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 8.31.11 AM

So, for the next few months, I'm going to be a lobster.

Not in the snip-snap, "I'm going to get eaten at a restaurant in Maine" kind of way. Rather, I'm going to willingly lean into the discomfort and fear of the unknown that comes with the growth path I'm on, instead of trying everything in my power to avoid it. 

In short, as we so often preach here at IMPACT, I'm going to "embrace the messy."

⛔ No, You Can't Rely Solely on Freelancers for Your Content Marketing Needs & Here's Why

Fair warning, as a content nerd here at IMPACT and a former content manager who used to manage my own flock of extremely talented freelancers many moons ago, this is a very personal topic to me. Here's the deal, folks -- outsourcing your content creation efforts entirely to freelancers does not work. No one talks about it, though -- so here is my experience-backed, candid rundown of why a 100% freelance-based approach to content creation always fails to deliver the results you're looking for.

🎥 Oh, Look at That -- Facebook Changed Its Video Algorithm Again (Also, Water Is Wet!)

It used to be that there were only two things in life you could count on -- death and taxes. I would like to put forward a motion to add a third to that list: Facebook algorithm changes. While I doubt any of you would consider Facebook's clear favoritism toward video content brand new information, it recently doubled-down on its commitment to video. In this article, IMPACT Head of Strategic Partnerships & Sponsorships Vin Gaeta breaks down everything you need to know about the new Facebook video algorithm, which rolled out on Monday.

⚠️ If You're Not Talking About Who You're Not Right for in Your Content, You Need to Start

One of the fatal flaws virtually all of us digital marketers and business leaders possess is a misguided reflex to never turn anyone off to what we are selling. Logically, we know there is such a thing as a "bad fit" client, but when it comes to saying it out loud, we slip back into that mental headspace of everyone being a potential customer. Unfortunately, this just sets up our sales teams for disappointing sales conversations with prospects who aren't worth it. It's going to feel counterintuitive at first, but IMPACT Account Executive Rachel Palmateer does a great job in this article of explaining why you need to talk about who you're not a good fit for and easy tactics for how to do it well

🚨 Save Your Seat

  • TODAY! The Website Throwdown is kicking off at 1 p.m. Eastern, featuring our all-star panel of website strategy experts, including guest star Matt Mroczek, VP of Marketing for GetChipBot.com. There will be reviewing 5 hand-picked sites, and providing tactical feedback and recommendations on content, conversion optimization, UX, design, and SEO. Save your seat now!
  • Raise your hand if you're in Chicago and want to learn more about chat bots and how to create killer, revenue-generating paid social media campaigns! If that's you, you're in luck -- on May 29, the Chicago HUG (HubSpot User Group) is going down, during which you'll learn the exact process for building chatbots your site visitors will love and the basics of paid social media strategies. Get yourself registered now before space runs out. (I've been a presenter at the Chicago HUG, so I can attest to the fact that there actually is limited space.)

🌎 IMPACTers On The Move

  • Catch Marcus Sheridan at Brightcove's PLAY 2019 This Month! At this three-day conference (May 14-16 in Boston, MA), you will immerse yourself in what's new, what's next, and what matters in online video and have the chance to catch IMPACT partner, keynote speaker, and author, Marcus Sheridan live. Register for PLAY now.

    👉 Learn more about having someone from IMPACT speak at your event.

⏰ Throwback Thursday

Guys, I'm still head-over-heels for this Google Ads in 2019 guide IMPACT Paid Media Specialist Jason Linde and Paid Media Coordinator Dan Baum published last week. 

It's spectacular overall, but there's one part in particular that blew my mind:


So, long story short, you should check out the Google Ads guide

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to make like a banana peel and get the heck out of here... 🍌

...until next week! 

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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