[THE LATEST] A picture's worth 1000 👍🏽s - EMEL


Tuesday, May 21, 2019

[THE LATEST] A picture's worth 1000 👍🏽s

Google Image Search Updates, Promoting Your Podcast, & Choosing the Right Conference Attire...This Is THE LATEST!

Real talk: My generation gets a bad rep for taking photos of everything these days.

A pretty pancake? Click.


A cool cloud? Click.


A special edition Oreo that looks like any other Oreo? Double click. 


(Note: All of these are from my Instagram -- and I'm not ashamed of that.)

But nevertheless, I don't count myself in this group.

Yes, I do take photos of everything, but this is a habit I started long before there was social media and its "likes."

Ever since I was a small child and my mother entrusted me with her camera to capture her cousin at her wedding, I've been in awe of this little box's ability to freeze a moment in time; to save something forever.

Since that day, I've always taken photos of things I love; of things I don't want to forget, big or small.

To me, a picture has truly always been worth a thousand words -- and apparently Google is starting to take this to heart as well. 

📷  3 New Features Are Coming to Google Image Search

When I first started working in inbound marketing, videos, infographics, images, and even PDFs were often treated like second-class content citizens because they could not be as effectively indexed and found in search engines. Well, those days are long gone. In fact, at last week's State of Search session at Google I/O, the search giant introduced three exciting features that are going to make your images even more search-friendly.


🎧  Secrets to Promoting Your Podcast Like a Pro [Podcast]

You can create the best content in world, but if no one sees it, what's the point? This stands true for every medium, including podcasts. While podcasts are becoming increasingly popular among marketers, if you don't promote it after you hit publish, it isn't likely to get the traction you hope for. In this week's episode of The Inbound Success Podcast, host Kathleen is joined by Jeff Large, the founder of Come Alive Creative, a podcast strategy and production company. Jeff shares how he works with clients before, during, and after recording podcasts to set them up for success when it comes to podcast promotion.


👚  It's Conference Season! How to Decide What to Wear to Your Marketing Event [+Video]

Summer conference season is right around the corner and while it may seem like a minor detail compared to other initiatives, choosing the right attire can be impact your confidence, how you are perceived, and even how your interactions go. In this video, IMPACT Sales Operations Specialist (and style aficionado) Shandia Drummond shares some valuable tips on how to choose the right clothing for your marketing event.


🚨 Save Your Seat

If you'll be in the Connecticut area in June, now's the chance to save your seat at a HUG.

Want to learn from HubSpot's "Choose Your Own Adventure" lead nurturing strategyOn June 11 in Hartford, our very own HubSpot ninja, Carina Duffy, will spill all of her HubSpot secrets.

Then, on June 25, the New Haven HUG will be hosting totally live website throwdowns. 

If you've never been to a website throwdown, you are in for a treat! Our panel of experts will be critiquing websites from our audience and offering valuable tips and tricks to improve your site right away. Make sure to register -- and, if you dare, throw your site into the ring!

Until next time, 

Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


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