[THE LATEST] A Father's Marketing Lessons, Diversity in Stock Photos, & Marketing Self-Reflection - EMEL


Saturday, June 15, 2019

[THE LATEST] A Father's Marketing Lessons, Diversity in Stock Photos, & Marketing Self-Reflection

A Father's Marketing Lessons, Diversity in Stock Photos, & Marketing Self-Reflection...This Is THE LATEST! 

Not to be stereotypical, but the majority of my friends are doctors.

Medical doctors, doctors of physical therapy, pharmacy, psychology, dentistry -- you name it and I likely have a friend with a doctorate in it.

Aside from making it hard not to drown in biology terms during brunch, this also often leaves the token business friend (yours truly) feeling a bit self-conscious.

Marketers don't have the greatest reputation. To some, our jobs seem manipulative and greedy. We're not really known for being helpful like the hoard of doctors surrounding me (unless you ask Allison Janney...)

I don't agree with this for the record.

But that's part of the reason I love Inbound. Inbound aimed to change this perception. 

It's not focused on the hard sell, but on helping people; on building trust by giving people things they need even if at no cost; about "delighting" them.

Content, in particular, gives us, in Inbound, the opportunity to not only educate, but to connect on a deeper level.

So today, rather than focus on just the hard, cold insights of the past few days, here are some pieces that go beyond the numbers and share a bit of the heart and caring sides of marketing. 

👨 The Only Thing Better Than Dad Jokes Are Dad Marketing Lessons

Father's Day is tomorrow in the U.S., and while we conventionally focus on how dads can teach us things like how to ride a bike or maybe how to shave, they can also teach us a lot about marketing, sales, business, and life and general. IMPACT Account Executive Christi Wharton shares what her beloved father unexpectedly taught her in this touching tribute.


📸  How Diverse & Inclusive Are Your Stock Photos?

Many of us know to keep an eye out for stock photos that are just a bit too "stocky," but how many of you are paying attention to how diverse and inclusion the stock photos you use are? Representation Matters is a new stock photo resource that aims to tackle the lack of inclusivity on major sites head-on. I talk all about it, why diversity in your marketing is important, and share other resources in this piece.

representation matters

🤔  Why We Want Brands to Take a Hard Look in the Mirror

You can't know where you need to go unless you know where you are. As a marketer, this isn't about a GPS, but self-assessment. It's about data audits, taking a hard look at your principles and practices as a company, and understanding how you measure up against your competitors. This, friends, is part of the reason why we created the Digital Sales & Marketing Scorecard to help marketers and sales professionals like yourself learn where they stand with their strategies and how they can improve. Our CEO, Bob Ruffolo explains. 

why the scorecard?

🎉  Weekend Nonsense

So there you have it -- some of the more emotional side of our content this week. You know what's also emotional? Anything Queen.

This video of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody," which Mashable called "a wonderfully absurd," illustrates every word of the iconic song with a random (and I mean random) Google image result. It's strange -- and phenomenal. Enjoy!




Have a great weekend!

Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


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