Google's "Big" Algorithm Update, Instagram Stories vs. Facebook Stories in Marketing, & Facebook to Launch Its Own Cryptocurrency ...This Is THE LATEST!
I can't believe it, y'all. Today is my second anniversary at IMPACT. To many of you, two years may not seem like a big deal. (And, to be fair, I have petty internet grievances that are more than two years old -- I'm looking at you, Harlem Shake.)
Still, I feel forever grateful to have found -- through dumb luck and circumstance -- a company that feels like a family. In fact, I can't imagine going back to a time where I didn't have so many of these passionate, insanely talented, and utterly wonderful people in my life.
In my short time at IMPACT, I've been very lucky to have more than a few opportunities to do (what I consider to be) some of the best work of my career so far.
For example, I died and went to content nerd heaven when I saw my big dumb face sandwiched between Marcus Sheridan's and Ann Handley's, as a speaker of equal billing at IMPACT Live 2018.
It's been a strange and unexpected little journey getting here. (In fact, I didn't even have a job title when I was given my offer letter. The line was left blank. Our CEO, Bob Ruffolo, said we'd figure it out together -- he just knew he wanted me on the team.)
And there have been more than a few late nights, a number of big hairy-scary projects that took me way outside my comfort zone, and a handful of "teachable" moments (see: "Liz screwed up"), but I wouldn't trade any of it for anything.
I'm simply thankful to be an IMPACTer.
Now, if someone could ask Google to stop personally attacking me with their "critical updates," that would make this day perfection. Seriously, other than making my life miserable, I don't understand what other purpose these algorithm changes serve.
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