[THE LATEST] Google's 'Big' Algorithm Update, Instagram Stories vs. Facebook Stories in Marketing, & Facebook to Launch Its Own Cryptocurrency - EMEL


Thursday, June 6, 2019

[THE LATEST] Google's 'Big' Algorithm Update, Instagram Stories vs. Facebook Stories in Marketing, & Facebook to Launch Its Own Cryptocurrency

Google's "Big" Algorithm Update, Instagram Stories vs. Facebook Stories in Marketing, & Facebook to Launch Its Own Cryptocurrency ...This Is THE LATEST!

I can't believe it, y'all. Today is my second anniversary at IMPACT. To many of you, two years may not seem like a big deal. (And, to be fair, I have petty internet grievances that are more than two years old -- I'm looking at you, Harlem Shake.)

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Still, I feel forever grateful to have found -- through dumb luck and circumstance -- a company that feels like a family. In fact, I can't imagine going back to a time where I didn't have so many of these passionate, insanely talented, and utterly wonderful people in my life. 

In my short time at IMPACT, I've been very lucky to have more than a few opportunities to do (what I consider to be) some of the best work of my career so far. 

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For example, I died and went to content nerd heaven when I saw my big dumb face sandwiched between Marcus Sheridan's and Ann Handley's, as a speaker of equal billing at IMPACT Live 2018. 

It's been a strange and unexpected little journey getting here. (In fact, I didn't even have a job title when I was given my offer letter. The line was left blank. Our CEO, Bob Ruffolo, said we'd figure it out together -- he just knew he wanted me on the team.)

And there have been more than a few late nights, a number of big hairy-scary projects that took me way outside my comfort zone, and a handful of "teachable" moments (see: "Liz screwed up"), but I wouldn't trade any of it for anything. 

I'm simply thankful to be an IMPACTer.

Now, if someone could ask Google to stop personally attacking me with their "critical updates," that would make this day perfection. Seriously, other than making my life miserable, I don't understand what other purpose these algorithm changes serve.

💥 Yes, Google's Core Algorithm Update Went into Effect This Week, but Don't Panic

Normally, the folks at Google like to keep their updates all hush-hush when they roll out. This time, however, they decided to let the cat out of the bag. The search engine rolled out a broad core search update to their algorithm on June 3, but don't panic. It's not as scary as you might think. IMPACT Account Supervisor Justine Timoteo shares what exactly is included in this Google algorithm update and how it will affect your website content going forward.


⁉️ Do You Know When You Should Be Using Instagram Stories vs. Facebook Stories?

A sibling-esque rivalry exists between Facebook and Instagram. Facebook is the older first child currently languishing in the shadow of the baby of the family (Instagram), as the latter continues to rise in popularity. And when it comes to their shared Stories functionality (stolen from Snapchat, lest we forget), there's a lot of confusion among marketers about which we should be using. IMPACT Head of Editorial Content Ramona Sukhraj talks about the differences between Facebook and Instagram stories, and which you should be using when.


💰 In E-comm News, Facebook Plans to Launch Its Own Native Cryptocurrency

Yes, you read that correctly. Facebook will roll out "GlobalCoin" in approximately a dozen countries in early 2020. Why? Aside from their continued march toward digital world domination, the Facebook team aims to create a universal digital currency that closes the loop between sellers and buyers. IMPACT Client Accountability Partner Jennifer Howard breaks down this massive e-commerce news story and shares everything you need to know about Facebook's upcoming cryptocurrency.


🚨 Save Your Seat

  • The Hartford HubSpot User Group (HUG) is meeting on June 11 to talk about lead nurturing! Want to learn from HubSpot's "Choose Your Own Adventure" lead nurturing strategy? HubSpot ninja Carina Duffy will spill all of her HubSpot secrets, and you should be there.
  • Next, our world famous Website Throwdown is returning on June 12! Real business websites will be critiqued during this live broadcast by our hosts and this month's special guest, Drift VP of Content & Community (and HubSpot alumni) Mark Kilens! While site submissions have closed, you can still save your seat to watch!
  • After that, the New Haven HUG gets in on the Website Throwdown fun (IN PERSON!) on June 25: The New Haven HUG will be hosting totally live website throwdowns! Our panel of experts will be critiquing websites from our audience and offering valuable tips and tricks to improve your site right away. Make sure to register -- and, if you dare, throw your site into the ring!
  • Finally, our marquee event -- IMPACT Live -- is ONLY 8 WEEKS AWAY! August is just around the corner, which means so is IMPACT Live 2019. This unforgettable, immersive, two-day event is where the best in marketing and sales come together to learn tried-and-true tactics for breakthrough results. Don't wait -- get your ticket now!

🌎 IMPACTERS on the Move

👉 Learn more about having someone from IMPACT speak at your event.

⏰ Throwback Thursday

Have you ever had a project you've simply been proud to be a part of? That's what Leadership in Real Life is to me:

Leadership Podcast-04

I've had the honor of working with IMPACT VP of Services Brie Rangel and IMPACT COO Chris Duprey for a little over a year, as they've refined their ideas around what leadership looks like in the modern workplace. 

As a result, they've published some of our most popular and honest content on the topic of inbound leadership:

So, when they came to me a few months ago with their idea to start a different kind of podcast about leadership, I was more than happy to jump right in as their cheerleader, sounding board, and designated facilitator. 

After months of plotting and planning, the first episode of Leadership in Real Life about the myth of fearless leadership went live last Friday.

Whether you're a business leader already or someone who aspires to take on a leadership role one day, I encourage to listen to this new monthly show from IMPACT -- and I don't say that because I am a supporting player. 

Brie and Chris are two of the most thoughtful people I know when it comes to having honest and challenging discussions about leadership -- and I think we all have a lot to learn from them.

So, check it out!

If you dig it, you can subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. (More platforms are coming soon.) 

🗞️ What I'm Reading

Finally, as always, here's what I'm reading this week -- without preamble or context:

Talk to you nerds in two weeks! (A special guest will be filling in for me, for next Thursday's issue, since I'll be at the Brewers Association of Maryland Technical Summit.)  

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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