[THE LATEST] PPC Copywriting Mistakes to Avoid, Pride Month Marketing Lessons, & What Happens When You Don't Have Buy-In - EMEL


Saturday, June 29, 2019

[THE LATEST] PPC Copywriting Mistakes to Avoid, Pride Month Marketing Lessons, & What Happens When You Don't Have Buy-In

PPC Copywriting Mistakes to Avoid, Pride Month Marketing Lessons, & What Happens When You Don't Have Buy-In ...This Is THE LATEST! 

As I write this, it's stretching into the final afternoon hours on Friday, and I am so ready for the weekend. Slack has been wonky all day and just now went offline completely (cue the panic tweets). I think that means we're all ready for the weekend  Slack included.

But before our team heads out for the weekend, we're frantically wrapping up some new design assets, promo materials, and email content because, first thing on Monday, we are making a very exciting IMPACT Live 2019 speaker announcement!

Two days ago, when I found out who our final spotlight speaker is going to be, this was my reaction on Slack:

my reaction on slack


We'll be making the big announcement first thing on Monday but, until then, I'm really enjoying all the guesses people are sharing with me as to who the speaker is. In fact, I decided to toss something up on our IMPACT Live Facebook page so you can all submit your best guesses!


In honor of this big announcement, we extended the promo code to be good through Monday. The code is LATEST100 and it's good for $100 off your ticket! Grab your ticket now because once we announce this speaker, they're going to go quickly!

Beyond amazing speakers, one thing I've learned people really value at conferences and events is getting actionable tips and tricks they can implement right away.

Fortunately, you don't have to wait until IMPACT Live to get some tips you can put into action today (or...you know, Monday). I've rounded up our most actionable recent articles for you in today's edition of THE LATEST

⚠️ Top 3 PPC Copywriting Mistakes to Avoid (Expert Tips & Advice)

I consider myself a decent writer. I took writing-intensive courses in college and can modify my writing style as needed for landing pages, emails, and articles. But it turns out many things that work for these traditional copywriting projects do not work in the paid media advertising space. My teammate and fellow author of THE LATEST, Liz Murphy, sat down with Jason Linde, Paid Media Specialist at IMPACT, to discuss the most common mistakes people make with Google ads and PPC copywriting.

🌈 Marketing with Pride vs. Rainbow Washing: Marketing Lessons from Pride Month 2019

The end of Pride month has me reflecting on all the great events I attended but also has me contemplating all of the Pride-related marketing campaigns I've come across. Find out why while I have loved seeing rainbows everywhere, I am conflicted, knowing many organizations aren't doing much beyond simply flying the rainbow flag. Plus, get specific tips on how your organization can do Pride month marketing the right way.

⛔ What Happens When You Don't Have Buy-in for Inbound & Content?

One of the biggest challenges facing marketers and sales people I talk to is a lack of buy-in for inbound and content at their organization. By this I mean their whole organization is not on board with the philosophy, which leads to a bunch of roadblocks. IMPACT Account Executive Jolie Higazi outlined how a lack of buy-in results in pushback, missed content deadlines, and tons of wasted time.


If you're also going to HubSpot's annual INBOUND event, keep an eye out for three of our very own who will be taking the stage and delivering game-changing talks this year -- all on Wednesday, September 4:

You can't register for individual INBOUND sessions yet, but you can start favoriting those you want to attend by clicking on the individual session links above. 

🎉  Weekend Nonsense

As we plan IMPACT Live 2019, look at the lineup for INBOUND 2019, and stay up to date with digital sales and marketing in general, I consistently hear about how what we're doing really is a "movement."

Meanwhile, I'm part of a very small but truly passionate group of fans (including IMPACTers Ramona and Jen) who love a little show called Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. On the show, one of the characters sings a song about her movement and, well, watch for yourself and see why this song plays in my head during many of our planning meetings!

this is my movement


Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I'll see you in Elite! 👋


Stephanie Baiocchi

Director of Audience Engagement & Community


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