[THE LATEST] The Exact Times You Should Post on Social Media, How to 10X Your Landing Page Conversions & 3 Timeless Email Marketing Lessons for All Industries - EMEL


Tuesday, July 9, 2019

[THE LATEST] The Exact Times You Should Post on Social Media, How to 10X Your Landing Page Conversions & 3 Timeless Email Marketing Lessons for All Industries

The Exact Times You Should Post on Social Media, How to 10X Your Landing Page Conversions & 3 Timeless Email Marketing Lessons for All Industries ...This Is THE LATEST! 

💯 Jump Right Into the Good Stuff!

"Patience is a virtue" is a powerful maxim.

It has been passed down from generation to generation ever since it was believed to have been introduced by William Langland in Piers Plowman, a narrative poem, sometime in the late 12th century.

Seeing as I'm an adult, I try to exercise patience as often as possible.

Today, however, is not one of those days. 

Yesterday, around mid-afternoon, I had an allergy attack that seemed to trigger some sort of sinus implosion. So, I spent most of the afternoon (and evening) miserable and curled up in a ball on the couch believing that, if I just got some rest, I'd feel better in the morning. 

Well, that did not happen. Instead, when I woke up this morning, I felt worse. I was running a low grade fever, I felt hot and cold at the same time, and my teeth hurt. 

In fact, it took me 30 minutes of staring at the ceiling to find the strength to pull my body out of bed, so I could raid the CVS around the corner for handfuls of medication I thought would make me feel better.

fds (1)

(Although I somehow forgot to buy tissues while I was at CVS today. Go me!)

When I got home, I waited another 30 minutes for the cherry-flavored nonsense I choked down to do something — anything — I could consider to be a net positive. Of course, it did nothing, and I still feel like I've been hit by a truck. Now, I need to wait an absurd number of hours before I can take anything else. 

My patience (as well as my dwindling reserve of energy) is starting to wear thin.

I wish I could say I only want to throw this kind of impatient hissy fit when I'm not feeling well. I get this way at work sometimes, too. We all do.

We know crafting digital marketing strategies takes time and that content that generates results doesn't appear out of thin air — it requires a lot of hard work and... (groan) patience

In those frustrating moments, we just want a "quick win," you know?

So, today, that's what I'm going to do for you.

Yes, I still have at least 24 hours before I start to rebound from whatever this life-sucking plague is, and there is nothing I can do about that. But since I want you to have a "quick win" you don't have to wait for, I have cherry-picked the most actionable content we've published in the past few days — the kind of content you can immediately take action on in some way, as soon as you finish reading (or listening to) it. 

You're welcome.

In the spirit of "quick wins," let's cut right to the chase. You need to start seeing results right away, and yet another conference filled with "inspiration-only" content will just be a waste of time. IMPACT Live 2019 is a single-track, fully immersive, no-fluff  event for digital marketers, sales pros, and business leaders across all industries (B2B, B2C, and beyond) who want to learn something new and apply it quickly to see unprecedented results. If you have an obsessive desire to succeed with digital sales and marketing, you should be at IMPACT Live — it's only 27 days away! 

⏰ Here Are the Exact Times You Should Post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, & LinkedIn for Maximum Engagement 

How do you decide when you should publish content on social media? I've asked around and, surprisingly, I've found that most digital marketers follow some iteration of a "I'm just going to wing it!" strategy. That's because there is no single set of rules you can follow for all social media platforms, and the rules that do exist always seem to be changing. Well, thanks to a new report from Sprout Social, the days of blindly scheduling your social media posts is over. In this article, IMPACT Digital Beat Reporter Iris Hearn outlines exactly which days of the week (and times of day) will yield the highest engagement across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. 

⭐ RELATED: The Good, Bad, & Ugly Approaches to Working with a Social Media Intern

🔥 Learn How to 10X Your Conversion Rates for Landing Pages & Calls-to-Action in this Episode of The Inbound Success Podcast

Did you know that only 4% of digital marketing teams say they use personalization? That's completely bananas, considering how much a little bit of personalization can impact conversion rates. This is exactly what RightMessage founder Shai Schechter learned first-hand with his company's landing pages and calls-to-action. And in this interview with IMPACT VP of Marketing Kathleen Booth (which you can read or listen to), Shai shares the simple, straightforward, and easy solution that makes implementing personalization — and getting crazy good results with your conversion rates right now — a total no-brainer.

⭐ RELATED: 88 Compelling Words & Phrases to Prompt Website Visitors to Take Action [Infographic]

😮 I've Written More Than 50 Issues of THE LATEST Newsletter & Here Are the 3 Most Surprising Lessons I've Learned That Can Help You

I never fancied myself someone who would ever enjoy sending out a company newsletter multiple times a week. But that changed when IMPACT VP of Marketing Kathleen Booth asked me to become a contributor to THE LATEST late last fall. Was I terrified at first? Yes, absolutely. But now I relish the opportunity to pen a personal, hand-curated email newsletter to the tens of thousands of business leaders and digital marketers, three times a week. My time as an author of THE LATEST has been a crash course in email marketing — and here are the three most important lessons I've learned about email newsletters through this experience.

 RELATED: Should You Include Images in Your Email Newsletters? 

🎧  Our Latest Shows & Podcasts 

📆  Upcoming Digital Sales & Marketing Events

In addition to welcoming HubSpot CEO and co-founder Brian Halligan as an #IMLive19 keynote speaker, we're so excited that best-selling author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR David Meerman Scott will be returning to the IMPACT Live stage this year

And he's got a personal message for you all about what he's going to be talking about at the main event in August — and his special promo code just for you, so you can score 15% off your IMPACT Live 2019 ticket:

David Meerman Scott is Speaking at IMPACT Live 2019

OK, now that you've watched that video (and you've got David's unique promo code!), register for IMPACT Live 2019 today. Time is running out!  

🗞️ What I'm Reading

Finally, without preamble or context, here is what I'm reading right now:

Ta-ta for now! I'll talk to y'all on Thursday morning! 

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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