[THE LATEST] How to Create an Amazing Pricing Page, Strategies for Reducing Time to First Purchase by 10X, & Top Twitter Content Marketing Trends for 2019 - EMEL


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

[THE LATEST] How to Create an Amazing Pricing Page, Strategies for Reducing Time to First Purchase by 10X, & Top Twitter Content Marketing Trends for 2019

How to Create an Amazing Pricing Page, Strategies for Reducing Time to First Purchase by 10X, & Top Twitter Content Marketing Trends for 2019 ...This Is THE LATEST! 

💯 Jump Right into the Good Stuff!
Get your ticket to IMPACT Live 2019. You won't want to miss out on this one-of-a-kind, immersive event for growth-focused business leaders and digital marketers. Use code IMPACT20 to take 20% off your ticket price.

After about a week of being a whiny, sniffly, cranky, achy little so-and-so, I finally woke up yesterday feeling like a human being again. A human being who could breathe freely through both nostrils! Without the assistance of a nasal spray! 

But on Monday morning, as I thought back on all of the sweet messages I received from some of you last week — as well as from coworkers — wishing me a speedy recovery, a light bulb went off in my brain for a potentially lucrative business idea.

Condolence and get well soon greeting cards for marketing failures. 


Because nobody's perfect. 


We've all made a dumb mistake that we should have caught before someone else did.


Or a site test we were sure would increase conversions actually resulted in fewer leads.


And, even though we absolutely should take responsibility for what went wrong and account for why it happened, sometimes we just want someone to say, "Buck up, tiger. It happens to the best of us."

I think I'm onto something with this, y'all. 

But I still have a lot of work to do to get this venture off the ground. So, for now, let's dive into some seriously juicy, actionable insights so you can prevent digital sales and marketing snafus before they happen.

💰 Here's How to Write the Perfect Pricing Page for Your Website (No Matter How "Custom" Your Product or Service)

Every business website needs to talk about pricing. "But my pricing is too complex to put on a page, we don't want our competitors to know our pricing model, we'll scare potential clients away, and... well, it's just not done in my industry!" Wrong! Not only do you need to talk about pricing on your website, there is a simple strategy to creating the perfect pricing page for your company's website, no matter your industry or the complexity of your product or service. And in this article, Lead Website Strategist Stacy Willis explains the different types of pricing pages there are (with examples) and the four steps to follow to create an incredible pricing page for your company.


⌛ Learn How to Reduce Your Time to First Purchase by 10X from an E-commerce Marketing Expert

This week on The Inbound Success Podcast, WordPress developer and e-commerce expert Jason Resnick shares the process he uses to help businesses dramatically reduce the time from first touch to first purchase. And while Jason works primarily with e-commerce businesses, the advice he shares is equally applicable to businesses in other verticals. Listen to (or read the transcript of) this interview with Jason Resnick, in which he outlines the exact strategies he uses to reduce the time to first purchase, including content personalization, visitor segmentation, and behavioral analysis.


🐥 [New Study] The Top Twitter Trends in Content Marketing That Everyone Needs to Know for 2019 & Beyond 

Even though Twitter might not be the answer for every business, it's a great tool for those who want to stay up-to-date with the latest in content marketing. For example, even though video is one of the most engaging types of media, only 3% of tweets with visuals include a video. Want to learn more? In this article, IMPACT Project Manager Rachel Palmateer shares this comprehensive infographic based on new research from SEMrush that covers all of the Twitter content marketing trends you need to know.


🎧  Our Latest Shows & Podcasts 

📆  Upcoming Digital Sales & Marketing Events

  • Heads up, Chicago! Do you struggle to keep your sales and marketing teams aligned? This month's Chicago HUG (HubSpot User Group) meeting is a special lunchtime meetup! Join us on Thursday, July 25, at 11:30 a.m. CT at Workbox for lunch and lessons about sales enablement. Remember, you don't have to be a HubSpot User to attend, so register now — space is limited.
  • IMPACT Live is *gasp* only 21 days away and tickets are starting to run out. So, if you want to learn the step-by-step playbook you need to follow in order to drive significant revenue growth for your company, use the promo code IMPACT20 to take 20% off your IMPACT Live ticket today.
  • Have your website critiqued by our panel of website strategy and design experts at our next Website Throwdown on August 8 at 1 p.m. ET. As always, we'll be joined by a special guest (who we'll announce soon), but if you want to throw your hat in the ring, now is the time to submit your site for next month's throwdown

😮 Facts & Figures to Blow Your Mind

  • 71% of marketers rate the quality of customers and traffic from influencer marketing to be better than other marketing sources.
  • According to 85% of surveyed consumers, convenience was the most common reason they would purchase something online instead of in-store.
  • 26% of Generation Z consumers say they use ad blockers, but only on mobile devices.

Ta-ta for now!

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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