WPBeginner Turns 10 Years Old - Birthday Giveaway 😍 - EMEL


Thursday, July 4, 2019

WPBeginner Turns 10 Years Old - Birthday Giveaway 😍

Wow, it feels unreal to type this -- today WPBeginner is 10 years old.

To celebrate WPBeginner's birthday, I did a quick recap of all the major things that are happening in my life as well as our business.

You can read the birthday recap here.

I'm also doing two separate giveaways:

1. WPBeginner Birthday Giveaway - Over $124,000 in prizes

I asked the top WordPress plugin, theme, and hosting companies to contribute prizes, and they really surprised me. 

We have over 700+ prizes (including WPBeginner swags) - so make sure you enter because your odds of winning are very high!

2. WPBeginner Ultimate Fan Giveaway

This year, I'm doing something I have never done before.

I am choosing one lucky WPBeginner reader to visit me for 3 days in Palm Beach, Florida (I will cover all your expenses).

You will get to spend time with me, get 1-on-1 mentorship + business advice, see how we run things behind the scenes across my businesses, and enjoy my favorite food / places.

Click here to Enter the WPBeginner Birthday Giveaway

The giveaway is limited time only, so make sure you act fast!

I also want to say thank you for your continued support in my journey.

I really do appreciate all your retweets, personal emails, content suggestions, and the in-person hugs / interactions at the events.

You are AMAZING and without you, there is no WPBeginner.

I look forward to another solid year ahead of us.

Talk soon,

Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

P.S. We're hiring for several roles as our company grows. If you or someone you know would be interested in being part of our fast-growing team, then please apply here.
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Here's to you and an amazing 2019!
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7732 Maywood Crest Dr
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