[THE LATEST] Google Ads Launches Account Maps, Embracing the Messy as a Leader, & HubSpot Lead Scoring Mistakes - EMEL


Thursday, August 15, 2019

[THE LATEST] Google Ads Launches Account Maps, Embracing the Messy as a Leader, & HubSpot Lead Scoring Mistakes

Google Ads Launches Account Maps, Embracing the Messy as a Leader, & HubSpot Lead Scoring Mistakes ...This Is THE LATEST! 

💯 Jump Right into the Good Stuff!
👊 Going to INBOUND this September? Sign up to have your site critiqued by our IMPACT strategists and website experts with an IMPACT Website Throwdown in Club INBOUND. 

Meet IMPACT COO Chris Duprey:


"A long time ago, we used to be friends..." 🎶

Chris' hobbies include (but are not limited to) talking about inbound leadership, holding pens, telling awesome army stories, mindfulness, and — apparently, as of yesterday afternoon — being a Petty Patty about how he and I met.

You see, I'm not great with names and faces.

As a result, whenever I encounter someone I'm pretty sure I've met, I like to lead with a warm, albeit cautious, "Hey! How's it going, bud?" introduction.

Then, I'll quickly turn to whatever poor soul I know who happens to be standing next to me and introduce them to my "old pal." Lo and behold, they share their name (again), and no one is the wiser! 

Unfortunately, it didn't go quite as smoothly with Chris.

Bob Ruffolo (our CEO) introduced him to me three times over the course of four days during IMPACT Live '17 week. Twice during the conference itself, and then once at the office, because he was going to be joining our team as COO.

Each time Bob brought us together, it was as if I was meeting him for the first time. Like "50 First Dates," but much, much worse. (Nothing says, "You can count on me, boss!" like forgetting I met our incoming COO three times.) 

Since then, however, Chris and I have become good friends. We talk about mindfulness, have conversations conducted entirely in West Wing GIFs, and speak a weird, podcast-based twin language that often confuses others. 

You can see why I thought that, more than two years later, we would have moved beyond my shortcomings during our initial meeting. Well, meetings. 

Well, I was wrong. 

So, Chris, I know you're reading this and laughing at what a I troll I am, but consider this my official apology. And even though I always get the urge to pretend we haven't met every time I visit IMPACT HQ in New Haven, I promise to always try my hardest to resist temptation.

👏 Managing Multiple Google Ads Accounts Just Got a Whole Lot Easier with New Account Maps Feature

If you're working at an agency or a large company with multiple Google Ads accounts, you likely already have a Manager Account. Unfortunately, when you're managing multiple accounts (often with their own sub-categories and sub-accounts), things can get a little messy and confusing. Luckily, Google has recognized that pain point and has introduced a new feature called Account Maps. In this article, IMPACT Digital Beat Reporter Iris Hearn has the full scoop on what Account Maps for Google Ads is and how it works, complete with screenshots.


🌱 It's Amazing How Achievable Growth Is When You Learn to Embrace the Messy & Focus on What's Possible

Last Friday, IMPACT COO Chris Duprey watched as remote employees (myself included) said goodbye to their friends and coworkers, following IMPACT Live — our one time together each year as a full company. He felt touched, and so he sat down to capture a poignant moment in time, full of personal reflection and words of wisdom for other organizational leaders. In this article, Chris Duprey shares his personal story, as well as how we learned to embrace the messy and focus on what's possible to achieve growth as a company and as people.


❌ Here Are the Top 5 HubSpot Lead Scoring Mistakes We See Businesses Make That Kill Their Lead Intelligence

Lead scoring can be a powerful sales tool for a team overwhelmed by the volume of leads coming into their HubSpot database every day. When set up properly, lead scoring will help your team separate those contacts who are just looking for information from those who are serious prospects. But when it's not, your sales team is left flying blind... and leaving money on the table. Thankfully, my main man (and legendary IMPACT HubSpot consultant) Nick Bennett wrote this fantastic overview of the most common HubSpot lead scoring mistakes businesses make and how to fix them.


🏆 "It's an Honor to Be Nominated..."


IMPACT Live may be behind us, but August is still proving to be memorable month. We're excited and humbled to share that IMPACT was named #1757 on Inc. Magazine's 5000 fastest growing companies —and #11 out of those from Connecticut! 

We are so grateful to our wonderful clients, friends, and supporters who have helped make it possible. We can't wait to see what the rest of our 10th year in business has in store! 

⏰ Throwback Thursday

I got chills watching the IMPACT Live '19 recap video Marcus Sheridan shared last week on LinkedIn. Whether you were there or couldn't join us, I highly recommend you give it a watch:

Screen Shot 2019-08-15 at 9.43.38 AM

🌎 IMPACTers in the News

IMPACT VP of Marketing Kathleen Booth recently sat down for an interview with ManagingEditor.com about how to monetize your content marketing. Here's my favorite quote:

"You can turn marketing into a profit center, as opposed to a cost center."

🗞️ What I'm Reading

Finally, as always, without preamble or context, here is what I'm reading:

P.S. By the time you read this, I will be road-tripping my way to western Maryland for a four-day camping adventure. You'll still get your Saturday issue, but a special guest will be filling in for me. Until next week! 

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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