[THE LATEST] How to Overcome a Toxic Work Environment, Killing Your Rankings with Slow Site Speed, & How to Historically Optimize Content for Better Results - EMEL


Saturday, August 10, 2019

[THE LATEST] How to Overcome a Toxic Work Environment, Killing Your Rankings with Slow Site Speed, & How to Historically Optimize Content for Better Results

How to Overcome a Toxic Work Environment, Killing Your Rankings with Slow Site Speed, & How to Historically Optimize Content for Better Results ...This Is THE LATEST! 

💯 Jump Right into the Good Stuff!
⚠️I'm grossly under-caffeinated, so this reminder will be to the point. If you haven't already, you need to get your copy of They Ask, You Answer (Second Edition). Also, you need to buy your tickets to Digital Sales & Marketing World before prices go up in the next 24 hours. That's it. That's the reminder.

In a few hours, I will be packing my bright orange Jeep back up and heading home to Maryland. Of course, IMPACT Live '19 was an incredible success, but it was also one of the most demanding and exhilarating weeks I have ever experienced in my professional career. 

I think most of us felt that way, which is why the following two days we spent as a whole IMPACT family back at our headquarters in New Haven, Connecticut, were so filled with love, gratitude, laughter, and a heck of a lot of fun. 

Unfortunately, in keeping with my tradition from the last issue of THE LATEST, I was terrible at taking photos — in fact, I only have three to share:


First up, evidence that I should never quit my day job to become an artist. We had to do a company-wide scavenger hunt and challenge around the office, and this was my artistic rendering of IMPACT Director of Partnerships and Sponsorships Vin Gaeta

However, he did say of it, "Most accurate picture drawn of me this week. 🔥"


Next, I received this award. I won't linger on this for too long, but let's just say the past year has felt like riding on a meteor. And, even with a lot of sleepless nights, I wouldn't change a thing about it. 


Finally, even though a lot of people I know were terrified at the idea of me being trusted with throwing sharp objects through the air, I went axe-throwing for the first time with a few friends. I've spent a lot of this week intentionally trying to push myself outside of my comfort zone by doing things that terrified me, and let me just tell you how liberating throwing axes felt. I can't recommend it enough.

That said, my axe-throwing teammate, IMPACT Paid Media Specialist Jason Linde (pictured above), and I didn't win. Although I'd like to think we came in first in enthusiasm and unnecessary celebration dances

Well, that's all she wrote, folks. As always, I've hand-picked some of our best content from the past few days for your digital sales and marketing education pleasure. 

And we'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming next week. 


☠️ How to Harness the Power of Science to Overcome a Toxic Work Environment (Infographic)

Although the term "toxic work environment" is common-place in conversations these days, trying to nail down a concrete definition of what that means is next to impossible. A toxic work environment can make you feel less motivated, depressed, and even physically ill. In this infographic feature, IMPACT designer Marcella Jalbert breaks down the most effective ways to cope with a toxic work environment, as backed by science.


⛔ Slow Site Speed Is the #1 Killer of Site User Experience & Search Engine Rankings

Even in the era of blazing fast internet speeds and soon-to-arrive 5G for mobile, page speed — that is, how quickly a webpage loads — is still a major factor to consider when building or redesigning a site. If you're not paying attention to it, you can easily turn off your users and tank your search rankings. In this expert interview, IMPACT Editorial Associate John Becker sat down with developer Tim Ostheimer to learn about why page speed needs to be on your mind when you're working with a developer to update your site.


🎓 Digital Marketing Lesson: How to Historically Optimize Your Older Blog Content for Higher Performance

What would you do for the secret to doubling your blog traffic and leads? While you might be willing to pay an arm and a leg, the secret to more traffic and engagement is easier than you think — you need to implement historical optimization into your blogging strategy. (HubSpot increased conversions by 106% with this strategy!) In this article, IMPACT Director of Inbound and Content Services Justine Timoteo explains what historical optimization is, as well as the exact process you need to follow to execute this strategy for your content.


😂 Weekend Nonsense


Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some road-tripping to do. Talk to y'all on Tuesday morning! 👋

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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