[THE LATEST] IMPACT Live '19, Saying Goodbye to IMPACT Live, & Overcoming Imposter Syndrome - EMEL


Thursday, August 8, 2019

[THE LATEST] IMPACT Live '19, Saying Goodbye to IMPACT Live, & Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

IMPACT Live '19, Saying Goodbye to IMPACT Live, & Overcoming Imposter Syndrome ...This Is THE LATEST! 

💯 Jump Right into the Good Stuff!
💥IMPACT Live is transforming into Digital Sales & Marketing World for 2020get your tickets today, and we hope to see you back in Hartford next April!  

Hey, everyone —

Today's issue of THE LATEST is going to be a bit of a departure from the norm. (Don't worry, everything will return to business as usual on Saturday morning.) 

I write to you this morning from a quiet conference room at IMPACT HQ in New Haven. As the rest of the team hustles and bustles around, I'm sitting here with a cup of coffee by my side and Walking After You by the Foo Fighters playing, because it is probably one of the most beautiful and relaxing songs ever written.  

After so much build up, hard work, and euphoric insanity, another year of IMPACT Live came to a conclusion yesterday, and it was a wild ride:

I also was honored to earn a spot as a speaker on the agenda yesterday afternoon, although I have to admit I was a bit intimidated by my placement:


That's right, folks. It was a Liz Murphy sandwich, because I was right in between Brian Halligan (CEO and co-founder of HubSpot) and David Cancel (CEO and co-founder of Drift). So, no pressure, right? 😨

Thankfully, I didn't fall off the stage, and my talk went well

Unfortunately, even though I promised myself I would take a ton of photos so I could capture important moments from what I knew would be a magical day, the only photo I actually ended up taking (other than the one above) is this:


This was my view from backstage, right before Marcus Sheridan introduced me. 

Aside from the excitement of the event, there was one other highlight from this week that I want to share with all of you.

On Tuesday afternoon, IMPACT Paid Media Specialist Dan Baum published this article about overcoming imposter syndrome — and it took less than 24 hours for it to become the most popular and shared article on our site for the week

Once you read it, you'll immediately understand why. 

Anyway, that's it from me for today. To make this issue special, I was going to try to do that thing where you upload an actual signature to make an email seem more personal and human.

But I don't know how to do that, so what you see below is as close as you're going to get. Talk to y'all later this week! 



Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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