[THE LATEST] Nacho Analytics Closes for Good, How to 3X Your Contacts, & Google Now Indexing Podcasts - EMEL


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

[THE LATEST] Nacho Analytics Closes for Good, How to 3X Your Contacts, & Google Now Indexing Podcasts

Nacho Analytics Closes for Good, How to 3X Your Contacts, & Google Now Indexing Podcasts ...This Is THE LATEST! 

💯 Jump Right into the Good Stuff!
👊 INBOUND is only a few weeks away — will you be there? If so, sign up to have your site critiqued by our IMPACT strategists and website experts with an IMPACT Website Throwdown in Club INBOUND. 

I have returned from the wilderness, friends! 

And by "wilderness" I mean a state park in western Maryland with a bunch of beer nerds and lawn game enthusiasts. 

camping in western maryland tents

Given my "vampire chic" complexion and coloring, I came back from my four days of galavanting in the sunshine with friends a bit crispy — but it was 100% worth it. (In fact, I can't remember the last time I set a vacation-related "out of office" email auto-responder prior to this trip.)

One of the major highlights from the weekend, however, came about while playing cornhole. 


For those of you who do not know me, this seemingly innocuous game is my nemesis. Because, as I like to say, "I'm #1 at enthusiasm in cornhole, but accuracy is another story." Meaning I am really, really bad at it.

Ninety-nine percent of the time, I throw wide right or wide left or woefully short, but very rarely ever on target. One time, I even struck a small child while playing. Oops. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Still, I always have a lot of fun flailing bean bags into the air with reckless abandon. But that didn't change the fact that I would feel a bit sad whenever a partner would look at me like a Little League coach who had to remind himself that he can't actually yell at six-year-olds. 

Then, something crazy happened during one game this past weekend. I actually scored points. Multiple points. And most of my shots made it on the board. I almost exploded with joy. 

The difference this time? 

I wish I could say it was some sort of recommitment to goal-setting or something else "business-y" and inspiring but, honestly, I got angry and overly competitive, and something clicked in my brain. 

Seriously, that's it. 

For a long time I resisted that part of myself — the little malcontent inside of me who loathes being a punchline and loves being a winner.

But as I've gotten older, I've realized that it's OK to be competitive and to want to win. Not every tick in the win column has to seem effortless. It's OK to sweat and to let people see that you really want it.  

☠️ The Fall of Nacho Analytics: How the Competitor Data Giant Failed & What We Can Learn from It 

The level of detailed competitor insights you could access through Nacho Analytics led some to wonder, "Is this even legal?" The Nacho Analytics team assured everyone that, yes, they were totally in compliance with Google's terms of service, even though it "seemed" as if they were "hacking Google or anyone's Google Analytics account." However, less than a year after its meteoric rise, Nacho Analytics announced it was closing its virtual doors. IMPACT Digital Beat Reporter Iris Hearn has the full story about what happened to Nacho Analytics, why it failed, and what we can all learn from this cautionary digital tale.


📈 Exclusive Interview: How to 3X Contacts & Grow Traffic by 138% with Repurposed Content Promotion

This week on The Inbound Success Podcast, Repurpose House founder Shaina Weisinger talks about the power of repurposing marketing content into video, audio, and visual assets that can be used to promote it on social media. This type of content promotion may not sound like a strategy that would drastically move the needle, but you would be wrong. In this interview, Shaina Weisinger explains how this repurposed content promotion strategy can exponentially increase your leads and grow your website traffic.


🎤 This Is a Big Deal — Google Now Indexing Spoken Words within Podcasts in Search Results 

We all know that Google is constantly trying to improve its user experience. More specifically, the Google team is always innovating new ways to deliver more relevant and useful search results faster. Well, last week, Google shared that it would be making an improvement that is really exciting. Google is now pulling podcasts into search results if the content discussed within a podcast is relevant to our queries. IMPACT Content Marketing Consultant Arielle Gnann explains why this news is a big deal, how podcasts were previously indexed, and what we might see in future, in terms of podcast promotion within Google SERPs.


🎧  Our Latest Shows & Podcasts 

📆  Upcoming Digital Sales & Marketing Events

Hey, Annapolis! Learn how to create scalable and repeatable growth with actionable case studies and powerful examples of what it means to evolve into an authentically customer-centric organization at the next Annapolis HubSpot User Group event. Save your seat for August 27 at 6:30 p.m.

Hey, Chicago! Same day, different city. On August 27 at 11:30 a.m., IMPACT Director of Audience Engagement and Community Stephanie Baiocchi will walk you through the basics of conversational marketing, share tips and tricks for creating a great conversational experience, and show you exactly how to set up live chat and build a chatbot in HubSpot using HubSpot Conversations. Register now for this Chicago Northside HUG event.

📚 What I'm Reading:

Finally, here's what I'm reading this week — I would say without context, but I broke my usual rule with the last one:

Finally, though published late last month, The Incredible Life and Tragic Death of Lyra McKee — a longform retrospective from The New Yorker on the killing of 29-year-old journalist Lyra McKee during a riot in Northern Ireland earlier this year — caught my attention as I was scrolling through my Twitter feed last Saturday morning while camping.

Ten minutes later, I found myself staring up at the ceiling of my tent, in tears. I know it's completely unrelated to anything digital sales and marketing. However, it has lingered with me to such a degree that I believe it worth sharing.

Sometimes, all you need are words to tell the full story.

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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