[THE LATEST] Supreme Court May Hear Website Accessibility Case, What You Can't Miss at #INBOUND19, & the 15 Best Marketing Podcasts - EMEL


Thursday, August 29, 2019

[THE LATEST] Supreme Court May Hear Website Accessibility Case, What You Can't Miss at #INBOUND19, & the 15 Best Marketing Podcasts

Supreme Court May Hear Website Accessibility Case, What You Can't Miss at #INBOUND19, & the 15 Best Marketing Podcasts ...This Is THE LATEST! 

💯 Jump Right into the Good Stuff!

⚠️ Heading up to #INBOUND19 next week? Everyone who schedules their #INBOUND19 Website Throwdown in advance is entered to win a prize pack, including a $500 Amazon gift card.

Do you ever have one of those weeks where you feel like you've lived an entire year in the span of three days? That's how I'm feeling right now. And whenever I get this way, I have a tendency to burst into childish temper tantrums over inconsequential things.

For example, today, I find myself irrationally angry at Ludacris:


Did his bops dominate most of my mix CDs in the late 1990s and early 2000s? Absolutely. Did I enthusiastically applaud his inclusion in The Fast and the Furious series, one of the most prolific movie franchises of all time? You betcha.

But none of this changes the fact that — thanks to Ludacris — it took me six whole minutes of staring into space earlier today before I finally admitted to myself that I needed to Google the right spelling of "ludicrous." 

I already feel like a word nerd fraud because I have to say "Connect-icut" and "Wed-NES-day" out loud every single time, in order to spell those two words correctly. Now this? 

I appreciate that you taught me how and when I need to "stand up" and/or "get out of the way," but this is a bridge too far. To make amends, Mr. 'Cris, I humbly suggest your next LP's featured single be a spelling lesson, vis-à-vis your name and its origins. 

Thank you in advance for your consideration — now, let's get into the latest in digital sales and marketing news...

⚖️ The Supreme Court May Hear Case on Website Accessibility

The topic of website accessibility is back in the spotlight as a result of a 2016 lawsuit from Guillermo Robles against Domino's for not having an accessible website for blind or visually impaired visitors. But when a federal court sided with Robles on the case, Domino's petitioned the Supreme Court to hear its case. In this article, IMPACT Content Marketing Consultant Jolie Higazi explains the particulars of the Domino's website accessibility case and what business website owners need to know about site accessibility.


💥 If You're Going to #INBOUND19, Here Are 14 Things You Absolutely Can't Miss

Sadly, IMPACT Head of Editorial Content Ramona Sukhraj will not be "shipping up to Boston" for #INBOUND19 next week. But even with a serious case of FOMO ("fear of missing out"), she's kept her finger on the pulse of everything the jolly orange sprocket giant has planned for this year's annual event. So, in this comprehensive rundown, Ramona shares the 14 talks, events, and opportunities you can't miss at #INBOUND19.


🎧 15 Essential & Inspiring Marketing Podcasts to Subscribe to for Your Daily Workouts 

As you might suspect, IMPACT VP of Services Brie Rangel is a pretty busy lady. But, even with her hectic schedule, she always makes learning and professional development a priority. One of the best ways she's found to feed her hunger for learning is by listening to digital marketing podcasts as she completes daily tasks — for example, working out. According to Brie, here are the 15 best digital marketing podcasts you definitely need to queue up for your next workout.


🎧  Our Latest Shows & Podcasts 

📆  Upcoming Digital Sales & Marketing Events

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Everyone who signs up for their INBOUND Website Throwdown in advance will be entered to win a prize pack, including a $500 Amazon gift card.💰

⏰ Throwback Thursday

Late last year — after many, many moons spent writing into the wee hours of the morning — I finally published this pillar:

how to create a content style guide

It was a momentous occasion for me to two reasons. First, this was the topic of my talk from #INBOUND17, my very first big speaking gig. Second, it outlines a process I spent years developing and testing on my own, and then I wrote the pillar entirely by myself. 

In short, it's as close to an "act of love" as you'll ever get from me, in the professional sense. And I hope you enjoy it.

🗞️ What I'm Reading

Finally, without preamble or context, here's what I'm reading:

Later, squares! 👋

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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