[THE LATEST] Ultimate SEO Checklist, Online Community Rules, & How We Produced Our "One-Take" Welcome Video - EMEL


Saturday, August 24, 2019

[THE LATEST] Ultimate SEO Checklist, Online Community Rules, & How We Produced Our "One-Take" Welcome Video

Ultimate SEO Checklist, Online Community Rules, & How We Produced Our "One-Take" Welcome Video ...This Is THE LATEST! 

💯 Jump Right into the Good Stuff!
💥 The countdown to #INBOUND19 is on! We'll be there at Club INBOUND, and we are challenging you to have your site critiqued by our IMPACT strategists and website experts with an IMPACT Website Throwdown. You'll walk away with actionable insights on how you can improve your website performance immediately in 10 minutes or less.

I'm a remote worker, which means I spend a lot of time... well, alone. That may sound sad, but my situation affords me the freedom to engage in some of my more "undercover freak flag" behaviors in order to keep myself motivated.

I mention this because, y'all, it's been a heck of a week here at Liz Murphy HQ. (And by "Liz Murphy HQ," I mean the creepy dungeon of a finished basement I annexed for my home office.)

I'm not one to lean into the unhealthy glorification of "The Hustle" culture, because I think it perpetuates this ludicrous idea that if you're not always slaving away and working into all hours of the night (every night), you're not really a success story. 

That said, thanks to a massive work project that required a lot of time, mental energy, and revisions this week, I ended up eating a cupcake at my desk for dinner on Wednesday night:

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It was a Neapolitan cupcake with strawberry icing and vanilla cream in the middle. Je ne regrette rien.

I also listened to Andrew WK's "Party Hard" on repeat for about 30 minutes straight on Thursday night, when I needed a pick-me-up. (Fun fact: Did you know Andrew WK used to have an advice column in the Village Voice, and it was amazing?)

On top of that, there was definitely one night where I turned to the blank, murder-face gaze of my cat to "workshop" some copy out loud that had been giving me trouble. (She responded by knocking a pencil off my desk, so I assumed that meant she liked it.)

I bring this up because I always think it's funny what ridiculous rituals and experiments we run ourselves through to be a rockstar producer at work, but no one will ever know about them. 

I spent this week writing and rewriting 16 pages worth of copy.

But when someone finally reads it two weeks from now, they won't know that writing page 10 became such an infuriating roadblock for me that I jumped up and down and sang along to Goodness' cover of "Electricity, Electricity" from School House Rocks at 1 a.m. to refresh my mental state.

Only then was I finally able to get the right words on the page.

So, the next time you come across an epic piece of pillar content, a beautifully designed infographic, or a hefty booklet with lots and lots of copy, take a moment to honor those marketers, designers, and copywriters who sang horribly in the middle of the night with a cupcake in their hand to make it happen.

✅ The Ultimate SEO Checklist for Your Content & Website (100+ Items)

Search engine optimization is forever a daunting challenge for a lot of digital marketers. Just when you think you've got a handle on what works and what doesn't, the rules change. Furthermore, what you need to do as a marketer and site owner to keep your site optimized has gotten more complex and technical in recent years. Thankfully, IMPACT Project Manager Melanie Moore is here to help you out with a comprehensive, soup-to-nuts SEO checklist with more than 100 items to get your site in tip-top shape.


⚠️ How Do You Create & Enforce Rules for Your Online Community That Actually Work?

As Monica Geller famously once said: "Rules are good! Rules help control the fun." Nowhere is this more true than in online communities, where a lack of in-person interactions and absence of virtual guardrails can create conditions that favor self-promotion at best, and hate speech or harassment at worst. Setting rules for an online community, however, is only the first step. Enforcing them is another matter entirely. In this article, IMPACT Director of Audience Engagement and Community Stephanie Baiocchi draws upon her extensive experience in community management to share the essential best practices you need to know to create and enforce online community rules.


🍿 Behind the Scenes: How We Produced Our "One-Take" Welcome to IMPACT Video 

Here at IMPACT, we recently created a welcome video that would be sent out to our new clients via email, and it's pretty awesome:

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We created this video to help new clients get to know some of the people they would be working with, in addition to showcasing our office culture and the capabilities of our video team — all seemingly in one take! So, how did we do it? In this article, IMPACT video editor Megan Lang pulls back the curtain on how we made "movie magic" with our "Welcome to IMPACT!" video. 


🎧  Our Latest Shows & Podcasts 

📆  Upcoming Digital Sales & Marketing Events

  • Hey, Annapolis! Learn how to create scalable and repeatable growth with actionable case studies and powerful examples of what it means to evolve into an authentically customer-centric organization at the next Annapolis HubSpot User Group event. Save your seat for August 27 at 6:30 p.m.
  • Hey, Chicago! Same day, different city. On August 27 at 11:30 a.m., IMPACT Director of Audience Engagement and Community Stephanie Baiocchi will walk you through the basics of conversational marketing, share tips and tricks for creating a great conversational experience, and show you exactly how to set up live chat and build a chatbot in HubSpot using HubSpot Conversations. Register now for this Chicago Northside HUG event.

☝️ Don't forget, all HUG events are free to attend! 

⏰Countdown to INBOUND

I feel as if I've been living out of my suitcase for the past few months. Two weeks ago, it was IMPACT Live. Last weekend, it was camping. Now, in a week, I'll be hopping a train up to Boston for #INBOUND19.  

In addition to having a few IMPACTers take the stage this year, I'm also excited about... 

  • Hearing from Reddit co-founder (and Mr. Serena Williams) Alexis Ohanian. Reddit is one of the most popular online forums on the planet, but it's still grossly misunderstood by so many. This should be a fascinating chat.
  • INBOUND& with BerlinRosen and West Wing Writers. BerlinRosen is one of the most powerful PR firms in the country. West Wing Writers is a speechwriting firm comprised of veterans from the administrations of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. During this session, you'll learn essential storytelling elements, and how to use stories to entertain and advance your broader strategy. (The D.C. native/politics wonk in me is dying with excitement.)
  • Finally, IMPACT Website Throwdowns are coming to Club INBOUND. If you're looking for yours truly, this is where I will be! Throughout INBOUND week, we'll be providing actionable, expert insights on how companies can improve their websites right now — all in 10 minutes or less. But if you want to throw your site in the ring, to so speak, you need to book your time at the link above

😂 Weekend Nonsense

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to laugh hysterically (and awkwardly) for five minutes at this science teacher's "Meme Day" costume. It's funny, but also he's not wrong...?


Anyway, have a great weekend! 

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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