[THE LATEST] 7 Costly Content Mistakes, New Facebook Ad Types, & YouTube Introduces Video Reach Campaigns - EMEL


Thursday, September 26, 2019

[THE LATEST] 7 Costly Content Mistakes, New Facebook Ad Types, & YouTube Introduces Video Reach Campaigns

7 Costly Content Mistakes, New Facebook Ad Types, & YouTube Introduces Video Reach Campaigns ...This Is THE LATEST! 

💯 Jump Right into the Good Stuff!

📚 They Ask, You Answer is the definitive guide to growing your business in the digital age. Get your copy of the brand new and revised second edition of the book that revolutionized how thousands of companies around the world achieve remarkable results. (Psst. I helped edit this book, and it was quite an adventure.)

I've got a joke for you:

What's a camel? A horse designed by a committee! 


Source: GIPHY

This is one of my favorite jokes to tell at work, because it so exquisitely captures what us digital marketers do better than anything else — ruin things.

For example, email used to be exciting and fun. Now, 99% of the emails I receive are complete and utter spammy garbage. Emails that are valuable and exciting are now the exception, not the rule. All because of marketers like me. 

Social media was fun for awhile, too. Then marketers came charging in with pushy ads — and a very loose understanding of how hashtags work — to the point where social media networks had to create algorithms to keep us from gaming the system. 

But my absolute favorite is how many of us build content strategies...

Our strategies should (in theory) be made up of topics that answer the most pressing questions of our buyers. Too many of us, however, create these strategies without ever asking sales — the folks with the most first-hand knowledge of what our buyers care about — to be a part of the conversation.

And then we wonder why they consider the vast majority of the content we publish to be fluffy or useless. 

We think we designed a horse when, in fact, we designed a big fat camel.

If that sounds like you, don't be too hard on yourself. I can only say these things now because I spent years making lots of mistakes as unwitting, world-class purveyor of camel content strategies. 

We all mistakes, and that's OK.

As the saying goes, "the first step is admitting you have a problem."

⛔ Are You Making Any of These 7 Costly Content Creation Mistakes in Your Inbound Marketing?

Even with the right content strategy in-hand, things can go wrong. In fact, our content consulting team has found that there are seven common mistakes even the most well-intentioned content contributors make that erode their credibility and diminish the trust they might have otherwise been able to establish with their audience. In this article, IMPACT content marketing consultant Christi Wharton explains what those mistakes are and how to avoid them, so you can be the rockstar, revenue-generating content machines we know you can be.


⚠️ Need help creating revenue-generating content? Learn about IMPACT's content consulting services

🎉 Facebook Rolls Out Video Poll Ads, Expands Playable & AR Ads

With the holidays right around the corner, Facebook is helping out brands by introducing new interactive advertising options to its news feed. Last week, the platform announced the rollout of video poll ads, and the expansion of augmented reality (AR) ads and playable ads. In this article by IMPACT Developer Supervisor Melissa Smith, learn exactly how each of these new Facebook ad types work, as well as some tips on how to integrate them into your paid media strategy.


🎬 YouTube Ads Introduces Video Reach Campaigns to Simplify Brand Awareness

Up until now, YouTube required you to create and manage separate campaigns for six-second bumper adsskippable in-stream adsnon-skippable in-stream adsTrueView ads, and masthead ads. YouTube has since realized this was a problem. So, with the launch of video reach campaigns, advertisers can now upload and manage multiple videos in a single campaign. In this article from IMPACT HubSpot Consultant Nick Bennett, you'll get the full scoop on how these new video reach campaigns work and why it's a game-changer for YouTube advertisers.


🎧  Our Latest Shows & Podcasts 

📆  Upcoming Digital Sales & Marketing Events

  • Heads up, Chicago! The next HubSpot User Group event is on October 8! It will include a recap of the most critical updates from INBOUND19, and then Stephanie and Sarah (your fearless HUG leaders) will lead a discussion on how to plan inclusive holiday campaigns. You'll walk away with important e-commerce holiday dates to remember, key things to keep in mind when planning a holiday campaign, how to manage campaigns and reporting in HubSpot, and more. Reserve your seat for this event today, as Chicago HUGs fill up fast! 

⏰ Throwback Thursday

Back in August, we produced a welcome video for new clients, because we want our relationships to start with clients feeling welcomed into the IMPACT family:


The video itself creates the illusion that it's a seamless "one-take" shot. How did we make it happen? Go behind the scenes in this article to learn about how we created our own version of movie magic — and how you can, too! 

🚽 One Last Thing

Like I said at the start of this, not every email I get is a total waste of cyberspace.

So, I'd like to end this edition of THE LATEST with a shoutout to the team at Charmin for this hilarious email I received yesterday:


The best part is you can actually buy the Charmin Forever Rolls in either size. Yes, I bought one. How could I not?

Ta-ta for now! 👋

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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