[THE LATEST] Agency Outsourcing Is Broken, Top Execs Write to Congress About Data Privacy Laws, & How Leaders Can Have Better Conversations with Direct Reports - EMEL


Saturday, September 14, 2019

[THE LATEST] Agency Outsourcing Is Broken, Top Execs Write to Congress About Data Privacy Laws, & How Leaders Can Have Better Conversations with Direct Reports

Agency Outsourcing Is Broken, Top Execs Write to Congress About Data Privacy Laws, & How Leaders Can Have Better Conversations with Direct Reports ...This Is THE LATEST! 

💯 Jump Right into the Good Stuff!

This issue of THE LATEST is brought to you by Digital Sales & Marketing World 2020 — the only conference where marketers, sales, and leadership teams get aligned on digital and ignite true business transformation.

My life on Pinterest is something spectacular to behold.

I'm more fashionable. I'm healthier. I'm a cook who puts the Barefoot Contessa to shame. I'm a crafting goddess. Oh, and I know how to build a solid wood, farmhouse-style dining room table from scratch — take that, Pottery Barn! 

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My Pinterest world is beautiful. 😍

Unfortunately, as soon as I step away from the soothing online comfort of my Pinterest boards, I remember that my preferred "style" is monochromatic gym clothes, I'm a cheese addict who only runs under duress, I'm a mediocre cook at best, and I don't craft since I once accidentally hot glue-gunned my hand to a door. 

Oh, and since the process for building a solid wood, farmhouse-style dining room table has 113 steps and requires a variety of tools I do not own, I'd rather just pay someone to build it for me.

Still, I wouldn't say my experience with Pinterest has been a total wash.

A large number of holiday recipes I now make, year after year, have come from there. Additionally, since I'm a klutz who spills everything, Pinterest taught me how to make a handful of miraculous DIY cleaners to get most stains out of my carpets, so I don't have to pay someone to do it for me.

Even though I'm an inherently lazy person who may never build a table, I have to admit it feels good not to have to outsource the solutions to all of my problems.

⛔ Outsourcing Is Broken: Why We Need to Rethink the Relationship Between Client & Agency

If you're outsourcing content like so many organizations out there, chances are your content is going to be like everybody else's content, and the majority of content today generates mediocre results. When companies are producing content like everybody else, they tend to get the exact same results as everybody else — which is where we are today. In this article, author and world-renowned speaker Marcus Sheridan explains exactly why this model of outsourcing content to agencies doesn't work and how businesses shout be owning their own content production.


🚨 Top American Executives Are Calling on Congress to Pass New Federal Data Privacy Laws

On September 10, executives from AT&T, Amazon, American Express, Bank of America, and Ford wrote the following in a letter to Congress: "We write to urge you to pass, as soon as possible, a comprehensive consumer data privacy law that strengthens protections for consumers and establishes a national privacy framework to enable continued innovation and growth in the digital economy." In this write-up, IMPACT Director of Client Services Katie Pritchard has the full scoop on why these executives are making this request of Congress, as well as what the future of data privacy laws may hold.


💬 How to Have Effective 1-on-1 Conversations as a Manager & Organizational Leader (Interview)

Whatever level of organizational leader you may be — team leader, department manager, director, VP, or C-suite — or your industry, one responsibility we all share as leaders is having one-on-one conversations with our team members and direct reports. Whether those conversations are weekly, monthly, or more ad hoc, there are some general best practices we should all keep in mind. In this expert interview, IMPACT VP of Services Brie Rangel shares her tips for having productive one-on-ones with direct reports, as well as a few critical dos and don'ts she's learned throughout her career.


🎧  Our Latest Shows & Podcasts 

📆  Upcoming Digital Sales & Marketing Events

  • The Annapolis HubSpot User Group (HUG) that was originally scheduled for earlier this month has been rescheduled to September 19! Learn how to create actionable case studies that will drive revenue growth for your business. This talk will feature powerful examples of what it means to evolve into an authentically customer-centric organization at the next Annapolis HubSpot User Group event. Save your seat for September 19 at 6:30 p.m.

    ☝️Remember, HUG events are always free to attend, and you don't need to be a HubSpot user!
  • Our monthly live Website Throwdown returns on September 26 at 1 p.m., Eastern! You can submit your website to be critiqued by our experts, or you can save your seat to watch the action "ringside" during the live broadcast. Learn more about how to get in on the Website Throwdown action.

😂 Weekend Nonsense

Sometimes the world is a dark and terrifying place. So, here is a video of a bunch of dinosaurs running on a horse track to make it better:


You're welcome. 

👻One Last Thing

This past Friday was Friday the 13th — spooky! Thankfully, we all survived. But if you're still craving a little superstitious entertainment, I've got a quick roundup for you of 13 international superstitions you need to know

Talk to y'all next week! 😘

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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