[THE LATEST] 🍗 22 seriously bizarre Thanksgiving stock photos, your 2020 sales strategy, and Google ads agency cost - EMEL


Thursday, November 28, 2019

[THE LATEST] 🍗 22 seriously bizarre Thanksgiving stock photos, your 2020 sales strategy, and Google ads agency cost

22 seriously bizarre Thanksgiving stock photos, your 2020 sales strategy, and Google ads agency cost ...this is THE LATEST!

🦃 Fresh IMPACT reads (Thanksgiving edition)

🎬 Upcoming live webinar (December 6): Video has become an absolute necessity for businesses that want to educate their prospects in the medium that people prefer. Join us for this 45-minute webinar to learn how to leverage the YouTube search engine the RIGHT way with your video content.

To all of my THE LATEST subscribers in the U.S., Happy Turkey Day! 🦃

Not quite, Roscoe. Calm down.

In honor of this day of gratitude and stuffing our faces, I asked fellow IMPACTers to share what they were thankful for this year.

👉 Here is what they had to say

"I'm thankful for the opportunity to do what I get to do, every day, with the people I get to do it with." — Bob Ruffolo

(I'm thankful for his willingness to share exactly how and why we created our Digital Marketing Scorecard. Oh, and for founding IMPACT.)

"I'm thankful for a job where I get to build relationships and get to know people. That makes me happy. I'm also thankful for salsa!" — Stephanie Baiocchi

(I'm thankful for her online community management guide, although her love of salsa is quite aggressive.)

"I'm thankful for my family and to work for an organization that understands and respects that I have a family." — Melanie Moore

(I'm thankful for her must-have e-commerce website features article.)

"I am thankful for my tribe, new beginnings, the acronym GSD, and of course THE LATEST!" — Shandia Drummond-Butt

(I'm thankful for her article on creating an amazing client onboarding process.)

"I am thankful for my perfect pup, my amazing career, and my friends & family who never leave my side." — Kaitlyn Petro

(I'm thankful for her article on what an SEO audit must include.)

"I'm thankful for my brand new ACL and my awesome family, friends, and colleagues." — Eric Choma

(I'm thankful for his article on burn-out being recognized as a medical condition and his awesome hugs.)

"Life itself!" — Marc Amigone

(I'm thankful for his roundup on the 21 best sales podcasts for 2020.)

"A happy and healthy family and working with brilliant and talent people every day at a place that challenges me to be my best." — Vin Gaeta

(I'm thankful for his news reaction on Adobe's jaw-dropping prediction for revenue this holiday season... and that he's the little brother I never got to beat up as a child.)

"Friends and family, of course, but sunshine, blankets, baked goods are right up there." — Ramona Sukhraj

(I'm thankful for her showcase of email subject line examples and her commitment to puns.)

"I'm thankful for Kodi who wakes me up every morning excited for life, and reminds me to feel the same. And also a good cup of coffee." — Marcella Jalbert

(I'm thankful for all of her amazing episodes of our Creator's Block podcast.)

"I'm thankful for big my crazy, loyal, loving, at times overwhelming (but often in a good way) family :heart:" — Jessica Palmeri 

(I'm thankful for her brutally honest tips for surviving a professional networking event article.)

"I'm thankful for the perseverance and support of both IMPACT and friends + family, but also for the chance brighten someone else's day who needs it more than me. Also thankful for the huge groundhog in my yard who eats the apples off the ground that fall from the trees :apple:." — Christine Austin

(I'm thankful for her WIX vs. Squarespace for business websites review... and that she happily fixes all of the things on the IMPACT website that I keep breaking. Like, every single day.)

"Maybe not exactly what you were asking, but I have this super short gratitude prayer I try to put out in the universe:

'Thank you for everything I do and do not have.'

Cause whether it's something I have or don't have (there's plenty I'm super glad I DON'T have), I'm just grateful to be able to have those two buckets, regardless of what is or isn't in them." — Jolie Higazi

(I'm thankful for her super in-depth article on why your website and content aren't ranking well and her amazing energy she brings to everything.)

"I'm thankful for those people that never give up on others and challenge you to be better each and every day. I'm grateful for all the family and friends around me that I couldn't live without. Lastly, I'm blessed to have all the dogs in this world and the tubs of ice cream that fill my freezer." — Connor Delaney

(I'm thankful for sharing his personal story about how his IMPACT onboarding experience ended up being a 600-person icebreaker.)

"I'm thankful for old friends who laugh with me like we just met and for new friends who feel like we've known one another forever. I'm thankful for my family, who actually really likes being around each other. And I'm thankful that my dog is as obsessed with me as I am with him." — Jen Barrell

(I'm thankful for her "Come to Jesus" moment of an article about the email marketing mistakes we all need to stop making. And for being a wonderful friend.)

"I am thankful for a husband who is cooking up a big Thanksgiving spread for us, stretchy pants for sure, and family and wine at my house tomorrow. And dogs. Always the dogs." — Melissa Prickett

(Melissa is new to our team, so although she hasn't written anything yet, I'm just so stinkin' thankful she's a part of IMPACT. She's a walking ray of sunshine.)

"Besides family and friends, I'll say the ocean, art, pistachios, and bonfires." — John Becker

(I'm thankful that John is my epic cohost of the Content Lab podcast.)

👉 What am I thankful for?

Oh, that's easy:

🎧  Latest shows and podcasts

📆 Upcoming events

🦃 One last thing

Trust me on this one. You need to take five minutes today and check out Seth Godin's 'A Thanksgiving Reader.' And then consider doing it at your Thanksgiving celebration this y ear.

OK, go stuff your faces, folks! Talk to y'all again on Saturday! 

Liz Moorehead

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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