[THE LATEST] Best times to send marketing emails, just say no to 'about us' videos, and digital marketing content you need to stop creating - EMEL


Thursday, November 7, 2019

[THE LATEST] Best times to send marketing emails, just say no to 'about us' videos, and digital marketing content you need to stop creating

Best times to send marketing emails, just say no to 'about us' videos, and digital marketing content you need to stop creating ...this is THE LATEST!

💯 Jump right into the good stuff! 

🏆 Learn how to build trust and generate more revenue with video in two days or less. With a one- or two-day on-site video sales and marketing workshop from IMPACT, we will empower your team to master video marketing strategy, on-camera performance, and video production.

As you may remember from the last issue of THE LATEST, I'm currently hanging out at IMPACT HQ this week in New Haven, Connecticut.

I'm up here working on something super exciting, but also super top secret for y'all...


This "top secret" project involves me being on camera. A lot.


And IMPACT Video Producer Megan Lang telling me to hit my mark and me taking dumb pictures of us together... instead of following directions.

Here is all I can tell you for right now:

  • You will all love what I (and a few other IMPACTers) are putting together for you.
  • All will be revealed at Digital Sales & Marketing World 2020, and super early-bird pricing won't last forever.

Also, since I'm filming all freaking day today, this issue is going to be short, sweet, and straight to the point. 

Regularly scheduled programming for THE LATEST will resume with the upcoming Saturday issue.

🤓 Here are the articles you should read today

🔥 And here's a bonus resource for you: The only meeting agenda template you'll ever need, and you don't need to give us your email address (again) to get it.

😳 One last thing

Talk about an effective subject line. But I also feel attacked. 

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Maybe this should have been included in our best email subject line examples article we published recently... 

Have a great rest of your week! 

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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