[THE LATEST] 👉 Foolproof blog post template, the best web design agencies, and why your Facebook Ads keep getting rejected - EMEL


Thursday, November 14, 2019

[THE LATEST] 👉 Foolproof blog post template, the best web design agencies, and why your Facebook Ads keep getting rejected

Foolproof blog post template, the best web design agencies, and why your Facebook Ads keep getting rejected ...this is THE LATEST!

💯 Jump Right into the good stuff!

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One of the most common questions I get asked is, "Liz, what's the magic trick to making content creation easy?"

That always makes me laugh, because I suffer from crippling writer's block just like everybody else. 

That's why one of my favorite quotes is from Robert DeNiro is:

"The mind of a writer can be a truly terrifying thing. Isolated, neurotic, caffeine-addled, crippled by procrastination, consumed by feelings of panic, self-loathing, and soul-crushing inadequacy. And that's on a good day."

For example, here's an honest-to-goodness screenshot from the other day of a blog article I was writing in HubSpot:

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You know what preceded me typing that garbage above?

Thirty-plus minutes of me writing and scrapping four completely different (and utterly terrible) blog post introductions, before I finally gave up and moved on to the body of the article I was writing. 

Also, a lot of swearing.

The reason I wanted to share this with you is that — whether you're a content specialist like me or someone who has been asked to create content for your company — you should never think of struggling to write as a sign of your failure or ineptitude.

I struggle that way all the time. All the best writers and content creators do.

Even with the best blog post template in-hand, you'll have moments where you can't find the right words, and your blinking cursor mocks you with every taunting "blip" on the screen.

Don't be discouraged. It's part of the process.

And now, here's THE LATEST... 

🔥 All-in-one blog post template for content marketing (no form-fill required)

I'm going to get straight to the point with this one. In this article from yours truly, you'll find an agile blog post template that can be used by content marketers in any industry. I guarantee that, by using it, your content will instantly become more effective and profitable for your company. So, without further ado, here is the blog post template I made just for all of you.

🔎 Related articles and resources

🏆 Here are the 9 best web design agencies you should consider (and no, we didn't put ourselves on our own list)

We know that selecting a partner for your website redesign or maintenance is no easy task. You are putting your brand in the hands of someone else, and you need to know they can be trusted; that they are the right fit for you. While we love to work with companies on their websites, we also recognize that we may not always be the best partner for every potential client. In this article from IMPACT Director of Website Strategy and Design Stacy Willis, you will learn who are the nine best web design agencies for small to mid-sized businesses.

🔎 Related articles and resources

📌 Proving their worth is one of the top 5 fears marketers face

Why? For most marketers, their success depends upon cooperation and collaboration with other key leaders inside the organization. And, for most people, getting that isn't easy. That's why we created the inbound culture workshop. 

⛔ Finally, here are the 7 reasons why your Facebook ads keep getting rejected, according to our experts

Facebook has approximately 2.4 billion active monthly users and roughly 3 million active advertisers that it's trying to keep happy. To maintain a balance between the marketed-to and the marketers, a strict set of advertising policies is in place. If your ad breaks any of the rules, it runs the risk of being rejected or severely under-served. In this expert rundown from IMPACT Paid Media Project Manager Rachel Palmateer, you'll get the inside scoop on the seven reasons why your ads are getting rejected.

🔎 Related articles and resources

🎧  Latest shows and podcasts

📆 Upcoming events

  • Hey Chicago, whaddya say? The Chicago HubSpot User Group's most popular event of the year is back! Get ready for eight short, motivational, industry-related talks from fellow HUG members at the HUG chiX event on November 20. Save your seat now now as space is limited and 125 people have already signed up!
  • Lookin' at you, Connecticut. Video expert Zachary Basner will be teaching us how to harness the power of video to generate revenue in this one-day workshop at IMPACT HQ in New Haven. Join us on Thursday, November 21 from 9:00 AM to noon (lunch is included!) to learn how to create effective one-to-one and one-to-many video that can be used throughout the sales process. Learn more and get your ticket today.

⏰ Throwback Thursday

You're being stalked by someone. Right now. And their name is Google.

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In this short video from IMPACT Paid Media Specialist Dan Baum, learn about the incredible power of Google display ads and how you can start taking advantage of them for your business. 

And if you have any questions, reach out to someone on our paid media team — they're always happy to help! 

🐦 One last thing

Honestly, there's no quippy tie to digital sales and marketing for the comic below, other than the fact that I am literally that pigeon in the last frame at every single brainstorming session we ever have at IMPACT. 

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Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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