[THE LATEST] 👉 Inside scoop on Facebook ads cost, IMPACT turns 10, and what is assignment selling - EMEL


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

[THE LATEST] 👉 Inside scoop on Facebook ads cost, IMPACT turns 10, and what is assignment selling

Inside scoop on Facebook ads cost, IMPACT turns 10, and what is assignment selling ...this is THE LATEST!

💯 Jump Right into the good stuff!

👎 The #1 reason digital marketing strategies fail is a lack of buy-in from sales and leadership. But you can break the cycle with an IMPACT inbound culture workshop.


In last Saturday's issue, I announced that I would be giving away a copy of the second edition of They Ask, You Answer to whomever sent me a joke (about anything!) that made me laugh the hardest.

I'm gonna be honest — this was a tough one, because y'all are very funny.

But there was one joke that rose above the rest, ascending to their throne of victory on a campaign of hilarious wordplay...


David Manney of Schuette Metals made me snort laugh — thank goodness only my cat was here to judge — with this gem:

Q: What do you get when you combine a dyslexic, insomniac, and an agnostic?

A: Someone who lays awake at night wondering if there really is a dog.🐶


Thanks again to all of you who entered; I cannot stress enough how much joy all your jokes brought to me over the weekend. And if you didn't win (or didn't enter this time), don't worry — there will definitely be more chances to win fantastic prizes through THE LATEST down the line

Also, don't forget to grab your copy of They Ask, You Answer, if you haven't already. Or, if you're not in a book-shopping mood, you can learn more about what They Ask, You Answer is and explore the They Ask, You Answer video library

And now, here's THE LATEST... 

💸 Our exclusive Facebook ads pricing guide from IMPACT's resident Facebook ads expert

We've all heard stories of impressive returns on ad spend (ROAS) on Facebook, but it can be hard to know how to get started on the platform. How much should you expect to spend? What if your site is not heavily trafficked? Do Facebook ads still make sense for you? In this interview with IMPACT Facebook Ads Specialist Ali Parmelee, you'll learn exactly how much you should plan to spend on Facebook ads, how to build an effective Facebook ads strategy, and more.

🔎 Related articles and resources

🎂 10 eye-opening questions with IMPACT CEO Bob Ruffolo, as IMPACT celebrates its 10th birthday

From humble beginnings in CEO Bob Ruffolo's condo, IMPACT has grown to a nearly 70-person person business known for its innovation, excellence, and company culture. This month, IMPACT turns 10 years old. To mark the occasion, IMPACT Editorial Content Manager John Becker sat down with Bob to answer 10 questions reflecting on the past decade, his experience, and the company as a whole — watch (or read) this exclusive interview.

🔎 Related articles and resources

🔥 If you're not assignment selling in your sales process, you're leaving money on the table

"It takes forever for our content marketing to work." We hear ya, but it doesn't have to be that way. There is a strategy called "assignment selling," wherein your content becomes profitable — generating revenue for your company — from the very moment it is published on your website. In this article from IMPACT Lead Content Marketing Trainer Kevin Phillips, you'll learn what assignment selling is, where it came from, and how to immediately implement it at your company.

🔎 Related articles and resources

👉 Your website won't generate leads if you don't have the right strategy behind it, no matter how pretty it is

An IMPACT Website Blueprint is the strategy behind your website. Our strategic website experts will work closely with your in-house team during hands-on brainstorming sessions to develop your Website Blueprint over the course of three weeks. It's an intense, data-driven process, but the results are priceless.

🎧  Latest shows and podcasts

📆 Upcoming events

  • TOMORROW: Hey Chicago, whaddya say? The Chicago HubSpot User Group's most popular event of the year is back! Get ready for eight short, motivational, industry-related talks from fellow HUG members at the HUG chiX event on November 20. Save your seat now now as space is limited and 125 people have already signed up!
  • THIS WEEK: Lookin' at you, Connecticut. Video expert Zachary Basner will be teaching us how to harness the power of video to generate revenue in this one-day workshop at IMPACT HQ in New Haven. Join us on Thursday, November 21, 9 a.m. to noon (lunch is included!) to learn how to create effective one-to-one and one-to-many video that can be used throughout the sales process. Learn more and get your ticket today.

🗞️ What I'm reading

Here are the long reads, news items, and articles that have caught my eye going into this week:

🖼️ One last thing

I bought a brand new bedding set last night and had my receipt emailed to me... and now this is my life:


Fourteen "you've gotta see this!" emails and counting. Sigh.

Have a great week! 

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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