[THE LATEST] 👉 Marketing objective examples for 2020, why the 3-click navigation rule is bogus, and marketers are more siloed than ever with their data and systems - EMEL


Tuesday, November 26, 2019

[THE LATEST] 👉 Marketing objective examples for 2020, why the 3-click navigation rule is bogus, and marketers are more siloed than ever with their data and systems

Marketing objective examples for 2020, why the 3-click navigation rule is bogus, and marketers are more siloed than ever with their data and systems ...this is THE LATEST!

💯 Jump right into the good stuff!

🏆 You need a beautiful, data-driven website that's fast, responsive, and attracts qualified leads. From concept and strategy, to design and implementation, IMPACT's award-winning team can bring your new HubSpot or WordPress website vision to life.

I had a great chat with my buddy, IMPACT Head of Partnerships Nick Bennett, yesterday:

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Ignoring the fact that I look like a vampiric floating head for a moment, note that our resigned faces were the result of a single realization that happened in the middle of our conversation:

Preparing to take time off for the holidays individually and as a collective organization can be so manic that you sometimes question whether or not it's worth the effort. 

Of course, that's not true. Time off is important — both personally and during holidays, no matter where you are in the world or what you celebrate. 

But right now, I am up to my neck in last-minute madness. There are well-thought-out plans that now need to be reworked to due last-minute changes, unexpected digital fires that need to be put out, quick pivots that needed to happen "like, yesterday," and so on.

And I know I'm not the only one out there feeling the crunch right now.

That's why I want you to consider this email as your personal invitation to take a beat. I want you to take five minutes right now to breathe. Yes, just breathe. You do have time for that. 

Then, as you're skimming through some of the crazy-good digital sales and marketing goodness below, I want you to remind yourself that yes, you have a lot you need to accomplish between now and tomorrow. And now and the end of the year.

But you also need to make time to slow down. Only when you slow down can you truly evaluate where you are and make the best choices about where you're going.

👉 11 mission-critical marketing objective examples you need to see as you plan for 2020 (5-minute read)

Working with hundreds of companies over the past 10 years, we've found the best marketing objectives examples that align digital strategy with the rest of the organization's goals — and actually make an impact on the business. So, in this article from IMPACT Director of Client Services Katie Pritchard, you'll get the full scoop on the 11 battle-tested marketing objective examples that are proven to better align your strategy and the revenue goals you're trying to accomplish in 2020.

🔎 Related articles and resources

👉 Say goodbye to the 3-click website navigation rule in 2020, because it's simply not true (4-minute read)

The three-click rule says that a visitor on your website is only willing to click three times before abandoning your website entirely, because they can't find what they're looking for. Many designers and developers have made this the petty hill they will die on, but here's what's crazy — there is no data or study out there that supports this rule. There are, however, studies that say the three-click rule is wrong. In this article from IMPACT UX designer (and recent birthday boy 🎉) Joel Waggener, learn the E! True Hollywood Story behind why three-click rule is untrue and how you should rethink your website's navigation in 2020.

🔎 Related articles and resources

👉 We've got a problem — new research says marketers are struggling with siloed systems and data (2-minute read)

The State of Digital Customer Experience 2020 Report was released by Simpler Media Group and CMSWire just last week, and the results... let's just say, all digital marketers and business leaders need to be taking note. While 79% of respondents said the digital experience is an extremely or very high organizational priority, 87% say they're struggling with customer experience tools. Since your time is valuable, IMPACT Content Marketing Consultant Jen Barrell has distilled the most important and actionable insights from this report, so you can make the right choices, align your teams, and crush your goals in 2020.

🔎 Related articles and resources

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👀 What I'm reading

You know the drill, folks. These are the long-reads, news items, and articles that I've got my peepers on this week:

🦃 One last thing

For once, I'm not hosting Thanksgiving this year.

All I have to do on Thursday is show up at my friend's house with some good beer and my famous corn pudding for 25+ people. I know, however, that not everyone is in the same "laissez-turkey-day-faire" boat that I am.

So, this gem from McSweeney's is for you:

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Talk to y'all on Thursday! 

Liz Moorehead

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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