[THE LATEST] Why your website and content aren't ranking, New HubSpot research about social media, and the best sales podcasts - EMEL


Saturday, November 9, 2019

[THE LATEST] Why your website and content aren't ranking, New HubSpot research about social media, and the best sales podcasts

Why your website and content aren't ranking, New HubSpot research about social media, and the best sales podcasts ...this is THE LATEST!

💯 Jump right into the good stuff! 

⚡ Learn how to turn your website into the ultimate sales tool during our live webinar on November 19. Join IMPACT's Stacy Willis for this 45-minute webinar where she will show you how do you turn your website into a lead-generating machine that helps you close deals faster.

A little over a year ago, I began writing for THE LATEST, this very newsletter. Not because I wanted to. Rather, I was "voluntold" to "give it a shot."

At that point, I had no problem smashing the publish button on a 3,000+ word article. But the thought of hitting "send" on an email to tens of thousands of people made me want to dry heave. (To be honest, I still break out in the tiniest of sweats when I schedule each issue.)

Today, I find myself excited to share this article I wrote with you:

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Earlier this week, I took the ManagingEditor.com audience behind the scenes of THE LATEST — why we created this email newsletter, how it has evolved over time, the hyper-human approach behind it, and the bottom-line revenue results we've seen from it.

Reading through it again this morning, I was reminded how genuinely lucky I feel to be able to reach out to you with this personal little missive three times a week. And I can't thank you all enough for the kind notes and replies I've received over the past year. 

Because, while the revenue growth is great, the "ROI" of the unexpected relationships I've fostered through this newsletter is immeasurable.

And now — before hit the road — here's THE LATEST...

🤓 Here are the articles you should read today

🔥 And here's a bonus resource for you: Our fail-proof content calendar template — and you don't need to give us your email address (again) to get it.

🐈 Weekend nonsense

It's all about branding...


Happy Saturday, y'all!

Liz Murphy

Director, Web & Interactive Content


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